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Payment Service Provider

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    Payment Service Provider

    We use SECPAY for our payment provider.
    Our question is When the payment is authorised the redirect from SECPAY takes customers to acatalog/index.html.
    We would like customers to be taken to our home page instead, is this possible


    Actinic SEO

    We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.


    Hi Wayne

    What version of Actinic are you running? If you are using version 4, then try the following

    Click on "Design | Options | Options".

    Here you will see No Frames in Checkout. Tick this and another dialog box for "Url For Completed and Aborted Checkout" will be highlighted. Simply type in your url here.

    So when someone orders from your website, then goes to secpay, then goes back to your Actinic receipt page, when they click done, it will take them to the url your have specified

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thank you

      Thanks Nadeem,

      This now works just fine.

      Actinic SEO

      We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.



        Oh BUM!

        OK, when completing an order, sure enough the user is sent where we specify (i.e. thanks.html),
        However, if you cancel at any point in the ordering process (after proceed to checkout), this redirects to "cgi-bin/thanks.html", which won't work even if we put the thanks.html into cgi-bin because the server won't allow html files to be viewed from cgi-bin (I believe).
        So we get a forbidden error page.
        Is this fixable??

        Many thanks.

        Actinic SEO

        We are specialists in Actinic SEO and have over 12 years experience with this software. PM me for more details if you need any help.



          Hi Wayne

          Please could you provide me with a link to your website where this problem is showing on?

          which won't work even if we put the thanks.html into cgi-bin because the server won't allow html files to be viewed from cgi-bin (I believe).
          So we get a forbidden error page.
          Is this fixable??
          To show the thanks.html in the /cgi-bin/ you will need to ask your webhosting company to show web pages

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development

