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Page Redirects

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    Page Redirects

    I've recently changed the name of a few pages that have already been listed by google, is there a simple way of redirecting any incoming trafic to the new pages (or the home page) using developer V70700

    You will need to do a '301 Redirect', lots of info on the web and in the forum on this.


      Thanks for the info,


        Very easy to do peter.

        First off are you using Linux (Apache) for your web hosting?
        If you are then log onto your ftp and in the root folder is there a file called .htaccess?

        if not then open notepad and save out as .htaccess (no .txt extension, etc)

        then you simply add a line of code like this:

        then save the file and upload to your webspace.

        This will redirect permanently your old page to your new page.
        And when search engines re-crawl your site they will eventually fizzle out your old page on your search results with your new page.

        I had to do this on my work website as I changed a lot of URL names to descriptive names which included keywords, its still an ongoing thing at the moment as have over 1,200+ pages!

