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Can I Get A Full Product Listing?

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    Can I Get A Full Product Listing?

    I am trying to find away of getting a full product listing on a seperate HTML page, so it can always be updated.

    I have looked at two ways, and am not technically competent enough to know what is the next step.

    Firstly I went to the search button on our shop main page, but wanted to leave it blank so it would return everything, but it didn't. It had to be word specific to list. Can I utilise this feature so that it pulls all of the products on a full product listing file?

    Or, secondly, the 'Site Map' button when activated only pulls up the section titles. It is triggered by the shop.html page. Can this be amended so that instead of bringing up the section pages, it can pull up the product ID's, so enabling a full product listing that way?

    Nigel Singer
    Solutions for Life

    Hi Nigel

    You could go down the search route by including ...
    !!<<noscript>all products</noscript>>!!
    in the Full Description field for all products. The text would not appear on the product page but would be visible to the search and would therefore list all products in the results.

    Alternatively, you could create a new section called Product Listing and create duplicates of all existing products. At the moment you would have to do this using components and associations to the actual products for stock monitoring purposes. Version 7 plans to make product duplication much easier although it will still be a manual process.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Hi Ben,

      Thanks for the input. I tried the 1st option and it didn't work, not all products (esp if they were in a 2-3 deep sub section list) didn't show.

      I have used the second and it works fine (be nice to see if v7 makes it easier to list all and search).


      Nigel Singer
      Solutions for Life

