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    NETQUOTEDEL dilemas

    I am trying to find out more about NETQUOTEDEL in the orders pages.

    I have noticed that the orders section uses a large number of nested tables, sometimes three levels deep.

    Each of these tables has cellpadding and cellspacing attributes set with non zero values.

    This means the text and tables contained within get progressively narrower as the page goes down, which doesn't look good.

    It also means if I want to use a default width of 90% for the page contents rather than a numerical value, the page really starts to close in by the time the bottom is reached.

    I would like to rewrite the order pages to remove as many of the nested tables as possible, because really they shouldn't be necessary. I am concerned about what to do with the NETQUOTEDEL parameters, because I am not entireley sure what they do.

    Can anyone advise.

    Hi there

    You can change the formatting of the way the order page is laided out. However i would suggest in not removing any of the netquotedel in the order page, other its possible when you try to download an order, you will get an error, or even when you try to click on next to proceed to the next page you will get a perlscript error.

    If you wish to know what each netquotedel is, try the following

    If we assume you want to edit the act_order01.html, but don't know what the variables are then:

    Go to "Help | Help Topics"

    Click on Index tab, and you will see all the templates, simply find the one that says "Act_order01.html", double click on it, and the help file will explain what each variable is.

    The helpfile is very useful to find out what variables are used for what template

    Hope this helps

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

