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Adding different postage classes without prices

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    Adding different postage classes without prices

    We ship products that are light but bulky and simply calculating cost based on weight does not work.

    Only account customers can order, and they are used to and happy with us simply adding the cost of postage to the order at cost to us.

    We offer two standards of postage.

    I would like to give our customers the option to choose a postage class, but not to display any price. It appears If I want multiple postage classes I need to add a price for each or £0.00. Which I don't want to do.

    I don't mind £0.00 being added at the end, but I do not want postage = £0.00 to be explicitely stated anywhwere in case the customer thinks Christmas has come early.

    Is there any solution to this.

    Hi Sametch

    I've just posted a solution for doing this here.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software



      In your posting you state:

      "Search for the second occurrence (the first is just a comment) of...



      I have done a text seacrh on the phrase $::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices and also tried a text search on ship in a text editor and I cannot find $::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices anywhere in this document.


        Sorry, this should be
        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software



          It's one very unhappy bunny when I make this change.

          I have made the change is a text editor to preserve formatting etc. and double checked what you said, but when I upload the site, it comes up with "Server Misconfiguration Error" as soon as I try to enter the catalog.

          Restoring the old file (which thankfully I saved) restores the status quo.

          The exact change I made is shown below (note I remed out the original line for history):

          #$::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices = $$::g_pSetupBlob{PRICES_DISPLAYED};
          $::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices = $$FALSE;

          PERL is not on my list of skills I am assuming the # symbol rems a line out in the same way // does for PHP!

          Oh and just to check I didn't accidently introduce any spurious errors I did a file comparison check between original file and changed file using a text file comparitor tool.

          Any ideas?


            Originally posted by sametch

            The exact change I made is shown below (note I remed out the original line for history):

            #$::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices = $$::g_pSetupBlob{PRICES_DISPLAYED};
            $::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices = $$FALSE;

            I read the change to be:
            $::s_Ship_bDisplayPrices = $::FALSE;

            You have $$FALSE
            Bob Ladden


              Thanks for spotting that Bob, your right.

              I'll give it a try in the morning, when I'm a little less tired (well thats my excuse anyway )


                Thanks Ben & Bob

                Corrected the error and it now works fine

