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How dpo I get rid of unwanted white space?

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    How dpo I get rid of unwanted white space?

    On the basic product pages that actininc ships with I am trying to reduce the spacing between elements in the generated products page.
    For example 1st product is the calculator.

    How can I reduce the white spacing between :

    the online catalogue : Basic products line and the product header
    the product description and the price
    the price and the quantity box
    the quantity box and the add to cart button

    4 lines in all.

    I tried opening up act_productbody.html
    and act_productline.htm
    and removed some <br> tags.
    But result is no different.
    What else should I alter?

    Hi Arthur

    There are also some <br> tags in Design | Text that affect the product pages (see Advanced User Guide page 116). Additionally, there are <br> tags and <p> tags in some of the child templates e.g. Act_ProductPrice.html.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software

