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Problem with snapshots

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    Problem with snapshots

    Hi - I have a problem importing a snapshot.

    A client of mine creates the snapshot without any errors being reported. He FTP's it to me and I import the snapshot into Actinic on my machine without any errors.

    When I look at the catalog all of the changes made by my client are missing. I then deleted and purged the complete catalog on my machine and imported the snapshot again. On this occasion the catalog remained empty.

    To get around this he zipped the complete site up and FTP'd it to me and which I installed on my machine. I exported the snapshot myself, deleted and purged the catalog, and reimported this snapshot - it worked - all the products and sections were there.

    We are both running the same version of Actinic (v5. The snapshot created on my machine was 18mb in size and from my clients machine was 16mb.

    It looks to me as if something on my clients machine is corrupted. Anybody got any ideas?


    Hi David

    It looks like with your client pc, when it trys to do a snapshot it goes part way (upto 16 mb) then finishes.

    Remember a snapshot is basically a zipped up file of Site1, but also includes registry information.

    You can open the 18mb snapshot using winzip. I would suggest in open this first, then try opening the 16mb. If when trying to open the 16mb you get an error, then the snapshot is corrupted.

    The only time i have had something similar to what your client snapshot has done, is that they were exporting the snapshot to a network, rather than there own desktop.
    If they are doing this, then i would suggest in getting them to first export the snapshot to the desktop, and then moving to the network

    I hope this helps
    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Hi Nadeem - I can open both of the snapshots using winzip without any problems.

      After a quick look of the files within them, I can see that my clients snapshot is missing at least the Actinic and simpleshipping Access databases (a bit useless without these isnt it).

