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Hit a brick wall with getting the order downloads to work on client's system

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    Hit a brick wall with getting the order downloads to work on client's system


    We've developed a site using Business version DDVA

    All is fine and ready to go, and everything works perfectly on our development PC, but we cannot get the orders download working on the client's PC. We've had several suggestions from tech support - (thanks Nadeem), but still no joy.

    If you try to download orders, it comes up with the error " Server name or address could not be resolved"

    When testing the network settings, we get the following message:

    "The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI-BIN URL, and the proxy WWW port.. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts."

    As the store works fine from our office, it can't be a problem with the server settings/configuration, so it must be the clients Proxy.

    They are using Microsoft Small business server, which can't be an unusual system I would have thought, and we've implemented all the suggestions from the knowledge base, and tech support. But it is still not working, and I really don'y know what to try now!

    The site is using HTTP and HTTPS, incidently.

    Also, although the client will not be uploading, the following error occurs if you try to upload form the client's PC:

    "Upload: A server error occurred while attempting to merge server files. 403 - Forbidden ( The ISA Server denies the specified Uniform ResourceLocator (URL). )"

    I've tested the application from home too to double check, and it works fine form there, so the prob is specific to client's setup...

    Has anyone had similar probs - or solutions?

    Many thanks


    Hi Michael

    With regards to your ongoing issue to do with:
    Upload: A server error occurred while attempting to merge server files.
    403 - Forbidden ( The ISA Server denies the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL). )
    Actinic when merging scripts is accessing your website using HTTP (Port 80). It cannot read, write or execute the perlscripts.

    I have looked onto the internet with your issue and according to

    it says

    If you are trying to access a web site while using the Browser *on the ISA Server*, you need to create a static packet filter that allows outbound port 80 to all computer, or configure the Browser as a Web Proxy client, configuring it with the IP address of the *internal* interface of the ISA Server.
    Perhaps you would forward this link and information to your client. Actinic works without a proxy, it just needs to be configured within the proxy settings.
    At the moment we are looking into an ISA proxy and hopefully in the future provide a documentation in getting Actinic to be correctly setup within the proxy, but there is a limit of information we can provide with Proxy.

    Please check this website:

    Also according to a community thread, it looks like one people had set up actinic using a ISA server

    I seem to have solved the problem and all is now working fine.
    Using ISA Management go to Access Policy and Protocol Rules, then edit the Internet Access Rule as follows.

    General - enable
    Action - allow
    Protocol - all IP traffic
    Schedule - always(unless you want this restricted by time)
    Applies to if you select "any request" it will apply to all users, but to restrict this policy to the PC running Actinic select "Users & Groups" and then add the appropriate user or computer.
    Granted that opens all the port, but there is a bug at the moment for 6.1.3 which is to do with FTP authencation, and scheduled to be fixed in 6.1.4

    The link for that is:

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks Nadeem

      Do you have a date for patch release?



        Hi Martin

        We are looking at a release of end of november/beginning of december for the release of 6.1.4 patch.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Any sign of the patch!!!!?

