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drop down menus

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    drop down menus

    I am wnating to create a drop down menu for products, as its a clothing site and each product has many sizes i.e. XXS to XXL. How can i get this function implemented within Actinic on the pproduct page and would the selected item also be carried through to the shopping cart side?
    Hope someone can help


    This can be done quite easily

    Create you master product, then create a component, under this create your attribute e.g size, then create you choice e.g XXS then another XS and so on.

    Now create these XXS & XS as new products with the relivant prices and description. But create a section that is hidden from the website and put these products in there.

    Now if you go back to the master product and click on the components tab and select sum of components. Next open your components and click on the permutations tab then click fill list. This has now filled the box with all the avaliable variations. If you click on the product and select the product that is hidden and corresponds to that selection and change price to associated.

    you have now linked you choice to the actual product they are buying

    if you want to have a look at how this works see my site and if you need more help just ask. But you may find it quicker to download the AUG all these details are in there



      I did acualy manage to create the drop down by editing the templates (though still don't know if this would carry accross into the order details part. Looking at your solution what is the difference between the components function and the Attributes, i have done it quite quickly using attributes and it seems ok. thanks


        I have not played around to much, as the saying go's "if it aint broke dont fix it"

        but if i understand you correctly then by setting up components it allows you to price everything differently if you just set up your product with an attribute then everthing is priced the same and all will have the same reference number. with a desription for the size XXS e.t.c

        the other way actualy allows you to create a list of every part number but gives you the opportunity to hide these from the web site so you don not end up with a page as long as your mouse cord.



          indeed there could be a difference according to prices in which case your solution will be a good one.

