I don't think remembering what you did is an Actinic issue, or even one of Actinic experience to be honest. It's most likely something far closer to home .
Ask away, there are still relatively average users on this forum, I mean myself in that category, admittedly not as much as I use to be, which may be able to help.
I'd go for Jonty's idea - but you would benefit from having Dreamweaver or a similar authoring package to make any significant template changes, and create a Test Section, at the end of your Content Tree, (better at the end not to upset any layouts or multi-column pages etc).
If you don't want your Test Section to display on your catalogue page, while trying it out, set the Section Link Layout in the Layout tab of your Section Detail to Image Only - no text shown and use an image that you have created that is the same colour as your background, smaller the better, e.g. could be white so create an all white image approx 5x5px.
Then no one will see it, even though it is actually there. You can either remember the URL, (Layout > Page Name), and enter straight into the browser to access the page, although it wouldn't be too hard for you, the author to work out where the so called invisible link is, as your pointer will turn into a hand as you pass over the invisilbe dot.
Actinic should stop you messing your Live Site up when you try and upload, however I take no responsibility for any mods to templates you undertake yourself - that said thats how I learned.
One thing you may wish to consider is as your on V7 like me and possibly thinking of upgrading some day - don't over do template modification unless your happy with the fact that an upgrade may not be as seamless as you'd hope.
Happy testing, S.
esafetysigns.co.uk your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
... download once use as many times as you like !
but you would benefit from having Dreamweaver or a similar authoring package to make any significant template changes
Forget that as it would be far cheaper to upgrade to V9 and use the inbuilt design feature that really make Dreamweaver a thing of the past for most changes.
Agreed I only use Dreamweaver to create the outer layouts, from then on it's all done within Actinic. TBH - I only use DW at all because it will integrate the Actinic 'basic bits' easily and registers the design - if it weren't for that I would use Notepad++ and Topstyle instead.
I use DW mainly for the outer layout too, but I continue to use it for my own CSS file also as the editor in actinic is non existent in this area. Any actinic layout changes I do within Actinic and never use the open in DW option, i'm not sure why anyone would ever do that to be honest.
V7 + Dreamweaver or V9 on its own, it's not even a close contest though. V7 is so lacking nowadays, it's like using Windows 98.
Forget any dreams of upgrading to V9 from V7 though, start afresh 100% of the time IMO, there is simply too much crap and terrible code brought forward with it otherwise.
okay i've taken on board what you have all said and so for the time being in am going to stick with v7. i'm not sure we need to go to the expence of upgrading if not necessary.
i have changed the layout of my site and am really happy with ot so far (please feel free to comment)
however, (daft question time!!!) there are 2 boxes one on the left and one on the right (emtpy at the moment). can anyone tell me what these are generally used for. i am wanting to put something about taking secure payment, with some credit card graphics, any tips on that??
Also is there any way of doing a free delivery if under a specified price or can you only do over?