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    I'm starting a new business hiring out pram and pushchairs and I want you to convince me that Actinic is up to the job!!
    I use it at Budget Bumps and it works OK but the lack of realtime stock control is a big issue as is the inability to process offf-line orders.
    Soooooo....would you use it?
    I can get the variable terms of hire (10 days, 1 month, 2 months etc) by using components and taking the sum of component prices but I can't get it to make a component choice compulsary (obivously, it's common sense but there are bound to be peopel who just click "order now" without selecting first) and I can't get it to allow just one component to be selected.
    I'm not particularly clever when it comes to site design (as you'll see if you visit Budget Bumps!) and tech speak is WAYYY over my head!
    TBH, I've consider instead as it tackles the realtime stock AND offline ordering BUT my 3 year old Actinic brain can't suss it out LOL
    For an idea of what I'm waffling on about, check out
    It's hidden from the main website (pretty much) so I can play around with it and see if the actual ordering works (which you can't do just doing it offline)
    I'm open to opinions and ideas but keep them in "New-mom-who-doesn't-yet-have-all-her-braincells-back-yet" mode please!!
    Tracey (whose brain feels like mush today!)

    meant to say...

    Current site (as in link) is actually only V5.
    Tried upgrading to V6 on laptop and it threw up all sorts of shipping errors (whoooosh..over my head!) so haven't gotten around to doing it on PC yet!
    New site would be new V6 license though


      Tracey. It can be accomplished with a tiny bit of JavaScript. I'm in the middle of moving house so if no-one else helps re-post something to make the trhread prominent in a few days and I'll have a look.


      PS My brain like mush too but it's probably more to do with the low price of beer here in Turkey.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Ooops. I forgot that all this can be accomplished out of the box by using Permutations.

        Create a 0 priced product for your pram.
        Give it a component (say) Info.
        Add an Attribute (Duration) to that component.
        Give it a choice (1 week £20).
        Give it a choice (1 Month £60).
        Give it a choice (Buy at £200).

        Now Double click the product, select Components and choose (Sum of Component Prices).

        Now Double click the component (Info), go to Permutations and choose Fill List. Now in the price for each combination put £20, 60 and 200.

        That's it.

        Alternatively for the Buy at £200, you could select Associated Product under Pricing and choose the product from elsewhere in the catalogue. This would be useful if you use Actinic's stock control.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

