Its nothing to do with Actinic they never wrote the HTML spec better see Tim BL about that one.
Best bet is to design at 800x600
If you check out at 800x600 it fills the screen but at 1024x768 it has space at the sides. This is just how it works if you want to be sure that things stay where you want them.
change the file I have attached to a .htm file then open at different screen sizes.
We also have an example of making this work Up and Down as well e.g. the bottom of the site is always at the bottom of the page but it's broken in Netscape I think (oh well 5 visitors less this week)click here to see how it works
Gah, variable width sites are a peice of cake once you know how. That's not to say you have to make your site variable width, but I do prefer sites are in the center of my screen. Gives you neck ache looking at 800x600 site on a 1600x1200 screen when their always on the left.
BTW, the width of a browser window in IE with all the page borders set to 0 is 777 pixels (just coincidence that's 111 more than 666? you decide). This also seems to work perfectly well in Netscape and its related browsers (Mozilla, Phoenix, etc).