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Need help to form the attached product layout

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    Need help to form the attached product layout

    I need to set up the attached product layout.
    Can you help.
    Have isntalled dreamweaver extensions but
    no luck so far editing the templates

    Attached Files

    Hi there

    To edit the way the products are laided you, you will need to edit the product layout template, which is act_productline.html

    Now when you open this in dreamweaver, you will have to declare <table> tags in here, as there are none.

    Once you have declared them, then all you need to do, is to rearrange the actinic variables around, and possible create a new table to go with your design.

    If you wish to customise actinic, then i would suggest in taking notes of the following:

    1. Download our Designing With Actinic Developer (v6) manual

    2. Also download our Actinic v6 Advanced User Guide documentation

    Both are pdf files. The first pdf explains the template that actinic uses. The 2nd pdf provides you with useful information and additional coding

    Also our knowledge base actually provides a template in arrange products in column. Here is the link to that article

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

