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Actinic Link

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    Actinic Link

    Hi All,

    my actinic Link is working fine except that I have updated prices in Sage and when I transfer over to Actinic the products do not get updated.

    Any Ideas?

    Kind regards
    Chris Marques

    I just tried the following, and it worked:

    1) Ran Actinic Link to generate an import file.

    2) Imported all my products from Sage into Actinic

    3) Changed a price in Sage

    4) Re-ran Actinic Link to regenerate a new import file

    5) Imported the new data into Actinic (with 'Update' selected)

    This changed the price fine.

    Could you check the following

    1) You are indeed transferring products

    2) You are not just transferring stock level changes

    If the answer to both of these is yes, I would also be interested to know if you have re-arranged your products after you imported them into Actinic - or whether they are in exactly the same sections as they were when you first imported them from Sage.


      Hi Chris

      Thanks for your help.

      I am indeed transfering products and not just stock levels,

      The products are in the same category as they were when I imported them.

      Prices and now actually quite a few different fields simply don't get updated.

      Let me know if you can think of anything.


        Hi Everyone,

        I am really stuck on this one , I wondered if anyone had an idea looking at the previous posts as to what is going on.

        Kind regards
        Chris Marques


          Could you post up here the hierarchical file that Actinic Link generates. You will want to strip out all the customer information and just leave the product information.


            Hi Chris,

            Your help is very much appreciated.
            Here is the file as you requested

            Kind regards
            Chris Marques
            Attached Files



              I can't see anything wrong with your data - and it imports fine. I also tried making price changes in the import file and then updating my store, so it must be something in your Sage data.

              It is probably going to need more investigation. Could I ask you to register an email support request HERE and then the email support team can take a look.

