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Add to cart from popup after searching generates error

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    Add to cart from popup after searching generates error

    Hello all, here I am again with my add to cart on popup page.

    I've done a search on forum and knowledge base and as far as I know there aren't any postings regarding this problem. So any help appreciated.

    Basic problem is thus: do a search for an item; get to a search results page and click the item which then takes you to the index page (except not the index page because the url is generated from the cgi-bin); click the 'more info' button to get the popup; click 'add to cart' on the popup and you get an error 405: 'page cannot be displayed because the address is incorrect' (or in netscape 'method not allowed').

    Anyone wants to check this, here is the site:

    Interestingly, the same problem does not occur when the same thing is done on the local host test site. And the add to cart button is working successfully from the popup in all other circs. I figured it's got something to do with the long url from cgi-bin after the search but the local host working fine has thrown me. Is it something to do with the red writing highlighting search words?

    Please help!

    Josie Henley-Einion
    Collectors Supplies

    Ahah. You're using one of my patches. The problem seems to be that the Search Highlighting returns the product page through a script and the popup doesn't like that.

    The quick fix would be to turn off Highligh Located Text in View / Search Settings / Results.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Very many thanks Norman, tested and it works. We can live without the red writing.

      Josie Henley-Einion
      Collectors Supplies


        Glad that "fixed" it. I'll add it to the patch info.

        You'll be reducing the load on your server too by skipping passing an entire HTML page through a script.


        p.s. I saw some extra JavaScript (not mine) on the popup pages that was tinkering with the Product Name and Price. Why was that needed?
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          yes, I used the 'email to a friend' code that you posted to send the product details via an email. I wanted to be able to send the name of the product and price within the email so created these functions (not my best but they work!) to strip the name and price of illegal characters that were causing problems in the email. These functions are only used for the email and don't interfere with the add to cart or how the product/price is displayed on the page. My last posting on this thread explains:

          Josie Henley-Einion
          Collectors Supplies

