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Problem with Site Map

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    Problem with Site Map

    When creating my 'top level' sections I have used the following the method for embedding HTML code as suggested - ie:

    !!<<font color="blue">ACCESSORIES>!!

    which makes the font color blue as expected. However, when I go to my 'shop' and then to 'site map' I get the following displayed as the link:

    !!<ACCESSORIES!! (also in blue)

    Have I used the correct method for changing my text or is this what you would expect.

    My URL is

    Kev Gray

    Re: Problem with Site Map

    Originally posted by kevgray
    When creating my 'top level' sections I have used the following the method for embedding HTML code as suggested - ie:

    !!<<font color="blue">ACCESSORIES>!!

    which makes the font color blue as expected. However, when I go to my 'shop' and then to 'site map' I get the following displayed as the link:

    !!<ACCESSORIES!! (also in blue)

    Have I used the correct method for changing my text or is this what you would expect.

    My URL is

    Kev Gray
    Try : !!<<font color="blue">ACCESSORIES</font>>!! (and so on )

    You probably need a closing tag for the font color command otherwise it will go looking for the next bit of HTML.


      Sorry, an error in what I quoted - I have in fact used the </font> tag but omitted it from my post.
      Still no difference.


        I looked at your site (cool site too ) and can see what you mean. Where have you actually put these !!< tags? Are they a part of the section name - ie what appears in the Actinic tree. If so, how come you have ordinary names for your pages? Why do you specifically want it in blue? I can think of some easier ways by using templates and a custom variable for the colour.

        Something I'm trying at the moment is having sections colour coded, so that the text appears in a different colour according to its category. I've created two CUSTOMVARs for background colour and text colour, and then in the template change the font/background colour to the appropriate CUSTOMVAR, which will obviously be different according to which section it is. I'm doing this on the localhost test site, so can't show you what I mean, but if you look at the live site - - you might see why I want them in different colours as they are currently all in green and a bit mixed up.

        Well, good luck with it.

        Josie Henley-Einion
        Collectors Supplies


          You only need to use the funny '!!<' and '>!!' tags when embedding HTML in the normal text areas of your catalog.

          In all other areas (templates, etc) you just use normal HTML.


          P.S. Please only post a topic in one area. Duplicate posting is a waste of time and just rude to members.

          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            To Mike,

            I only posted it a second time when I realised it was in the wrong place. Can't find out how to delete from the original message board. Could you tell me how I do this please.



              To Mike again,
              I did what you suggested and removed the !!<.....>!!, but now when I go to 'shop', the ACCESSORIES title displays showing the HTML tags ie: <font color="blue">ACCESSORIES</font> , but if I now got to the site map it displays correctly, the way I want it on both pages ????

              I'm a bit puzzled.


                To Josie,
                Thanks for your comments, I,ve attached a screenshot of my Actinic catalog structure showing the embedded tags (i hope !).

                I don't neccessarily want it in blue, but I'm trying to add a bit of colour to the pages. As I am basically a coder I'm happy hand coding and haven't tried using CUSTOMVARs, how do you create and use them?

                If you've got the time would you be kind enough to try to explain how to use them.

                Many thanks
                Attached Files


                  For information -

                  When I do a site preview and then view the source code for the site map page - P_sitemap.html - this is the relevant bit of generated code -

                  HREF="Accessories.html"><B>!!<<font color="blue">ACCESSORIES</font>>!!</B>

                  As you see it has the !!< and >!! coded as text which is why it is displayed.


