After chatting with Chris Music Corner on the phone it transpires that its not the prompts in Actinic she wants to change, more the way it prints out on the packing list.
This is the exact same as a post I made the other day and the solution for was to go to Design>Text>Order Processing Reports>Packing List> and change the prompts 'User Definable 1,2,3' to match the questions she asked in Design>Text>Web Site (Cont)>Invoice Address.
Now when the packing list is printed instead of saying Userdefinable 1,2, mirrors the actual question she asks and this makes it clear for her staff.
This is the exact same as a post I made the other day and the solution for was to go to Design>Text>Order Processing Reports>Packing List> and change the prompts 'User Definable 1,2,3' to match the questions she asked in Design>Text>Web Site (Cont)>Invoice Address.
Now when the packing list is printed instead of saying Userdefinable 1,2, mirrors the actual question she asks and this makes it clear for her staff.