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Mystery Shopper!

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    Mystery Shopper!

    I have just downloaded a live order and it is completely blank apart from the product ordered, comments on our website, how the customer found our website and the customer's credit card details.

    So I have a product ordered and paid for but nowhere to send it to - should I fill in a blank address label and see how our courier copes with it or has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?

    Spooky. (How have they bypassed all the required fields, etc,etc?)

    Help/advice greatly appreciated.
    Paul Codman
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    01394 670970

    Hi Paul,

    Can you let me know how you are taking payments, i.e. using a PSP, Actinic inbuilt encryption etc. Also, has this happened before or is this the first and only time?


      Hi Tracey

      I was contacted by the mystery shopper on Saturday! Info I have is that she is based on UK mainland and was trying to get delivery to Channel Islands - I guess when prompted for the delivery destination she initially chose UK mainland then when selecting delivery address later in process found that Actinic did not like her trying to change it! Anyway, somehow or other she managed to get through to card payment options - the confirmation email she received was also blank. The reason she phoned me was not because of the blank confirmation email but that she wanted to change the product ordered! (Scooby Doo was feeling somewhat rejected but he's happy now).

      We use Actinic in built encryption and this is the first time this has happened.

      My concern is that this particular "bug" may exist in all versions - not just the latest and final version 4 - and I have tried to get it to happen again but have failed dismally so far.
      Paul Codman
      <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
      01394 670970


        Hi Paul,

        I can't find any reference to this kind of problem before. Can you tell me if you have a duplicate of this order with the customer details filled in or not?


          Hi Tracey

          Nope! No duplicates, no missing order numbers, etc - just a blank order with completed payment and product details. I'm guessing that the customer was merrily clicking Actinic back buttons, browser back buttons, etc, etc - she found a route through to the payment options somehow or other. Time for some serious testing at the weekend - there's only so many things she could have tried!
          Paul Codman
          <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
          01394 670970


            Mystery Shooper II - the sequel!

            Well, it's happened again but this time an extra clue. We received an order that we could not process because the credit card transaction was declined by the customer's card issuer. We asked the customer if the card had been activated and asked they resubmit their order and they did so - all we got was the same card info and comments - no customer details, email address, etc.

            Could this have something to do with cached info on the customer's PC where say they go back and view the cart and somehow or other Actinic thinks it's got all the relevant info but it hasn't written it anywhere?

            Free gift from Snooze Shop on offer (small value !) as a thank you to the one who can successfully recreate the effect - please do not flood Snooze Shop with test orders as I have already done this!

            Many thanks for any ideas.
            Paul Codman
            <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
            01394 670970


              Which version of V4 do you have?

              You could have a version that does not have the norton patch applied.

              <PARAM NAME="PHRASE598" VALUE="Phrase%20not%20found%20%28%2d1%2c598%29%20%7b%7d%21%21">

              appears at the java applet stage of ordering in the source. maybe it should be like that I cant tell as I dont have a V4 site with Java running but this does not appear on sites we have.
              Owner of a broken heart


                Actinic Version CBXA and card details are collected by the Java applet and the Norton patch applied.

                As far as I can establish the customer completes the details and gets to the applet with no errors reported but by the time the order is downloaded the only field contents remaining are the delivery destination and subsequent info.

                This is a serious issue since we have a customer whomwe are unable to contact who will be waiting a long time for delivery. I also believe that the confirmation email is also blanked.

                Surely someone technical can find the 'hole' these people are finding.
                Paul Codman
                <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
                01394 670970


                  Does this happen with everyone or just a few customers
                  Owner of a broken heart


                    About 1 in 400 orders - so not very often.

                    But it's an itch that needs scratching!
                    Paul Codman
                    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
                    01394 670970


                      This is caused by a customer getting to the end of the checkout, and then hitting the 'Back' button on the browser a lot in order to add something else to the cart, and then hitting the 'Forward' button on the browser to get back to where they were.

                      This loophole will be closed in the next release of v6.

