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Custom menu link problems

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    Custom menu link problems

    Its probably an easy thing to sort out but I have a custom menu bar on every page, and because of Actinic's requirment for unique filenames, it does not create the site as the links from the menu bar are (obviously) the same as the names of my pages.

    I tried specifying serverside includes and also using NETQUOTEVARs to provide the path, but it still comes up with the problem - its too much to go through every file I create and alter the links by hand after Actinic compiles the site - any suggestions?


    This shouldn't be a problem. It's quite normal to have links to / from other bits of the site.

    Is your site in Frames? Have you an URL so we can take a look? Could you post a snippet of the menubar code?

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      I was thinking it shouldn't be a problem but this is what happens:

      Say there is a file named rockt-shirts.html - if I have any reference to that in the Act_Primary.html file then I get the message stating that all filenames must be unique and that there is one file in the site1 directory and one in the site1/SiteHTML directory.

      Here's the HTML from one item in my menu bar (its part of a rollover, hence the rest of the code):

      <a href="rockt-shirts.html" target="_top" onClick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','Rock','site/rockmetalmenu_on.gif',1)" onMouseOver="MM_nbGroup('over','Rock','site/rockmetalmenu_on.gif','',1)" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="site/rockmetalmenu_off.gif" alt="Rock & Metal" name="Rock" width="154" height="16" border="0" onload=""></a>

      Why would a reference in Act_Primary make Actinic think there were two files with the same name? I thought it was just a quirk, but I can't see a work around.


        And its not in frames (was thinking that could be a possible work around - just upload the file myself which contains the menu bar), but that would mean using frames!! Lol.


          Could the problem be that you're referring to rollover images that are in a different folder to your acatalog one. You seem to be referring to images in a subfolder called "site".

          Actinic looks for image filenames and automatically uploads them for you. Since Actinic uses a single directory for all its files it won't be happy with relative pathnames.

          You can test this by removing all the javascript, leaving just a simple <a...> </a> tag, and removing the site/ reference and seeing if that works.


          <a href="rockt-shirts.html"><img src="rockmetalmenu_off.gif" alt="Rock & Metal" name="Rock" width="154" height="16" border="0"></a>

          You should also check Advanced / Additional files to make sure you've nothing in there that Actinic will try to automatically upload for you.

          If so resurrect the JavaScript but without the site/ bits and see if that works.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            There's nothing in the Additional Files section, and its not the rollovers causing the problem - although it does tell me that it doesn't upload them by default - but thats all sorted. It just seems you can't refer to a file which is the section in a catalog in a template - i suppose i could knock off the l and just have the menu pointing to the files with extension .htm then once actinic uploads the catalog, I can ftp in and then copt the relevant .html and rename them to .htm - although doing this each time is going to be a bit annoying

            Is it just a bug in the version I've got? Maybe someone (if they are extremely kind) could try the same for me. Just create a link in the Act_Primary.html file to the file which is generate from on of the sub-sections in Actinic - i.e. T-Shirt > Rock & Metal (named rockt-shirts.html).



              Using the demo V5 (V5.1.2) store I added this into Act_Primary.html:-

              <a href=Office_Furniture.html>Try me</a>

              It uploads without error and works fine.

              Then I try using an existing image:-

              <a href=Office_Furniture.html><img src="office_chair.gif"></a>

              Again it uploads without error and works fine.

              Now since it works fine for me (and everyone else) and always has, why not re-read and work through my previous post and stop using a sub-folder for your images, and see if it fixes it.

              Also just in case the error isn't coming from your link code at all, you could try temporarily removing the lot to see if the error stops.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

