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Help Pls? Any advice on SE Optimisation!!

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    Help Pls? Any advice on SE Optimisation!!

    We run a UK based blank media distribution business ausing Actinic Business.

    We are quite busy (over a thousand orders per week) and do well with our ad campaigns.

    However, a number of people have told us that we are no optimised on search engines.

    I know that commercial advertising is frowned upon in this forum (and rightly so), but is it allowed to ask for a recommendation in out search for a person or company that is experienced in Actinic and supplies SEO services???

    Have had a few offers from NG posts, but none that really had knowledge of Actinic. I am not sure how relevant Actinic skills are in the field of SEO, but figure it's best to find someone that is an export in both.

    If posting of names/companies is not allowed, could somebody please email me at with contact details?

    Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers.
    Terry Ferrari


    Hi there,

    This forum contains loads of really useful info. on SEO. Have a search through.

    Try this thread:


    Toby Blanchard

    Toby Blanchard


      Hi Toby

      I had already ready that thread.

      It is very informative but I am still apprehensive about doing it myself. I am simply worried that one small mistake may screw my site and with so many orders arriving day and night, that would be a disaster.

      I have purchsed WebPosition Gold, this follows that same lines as the thread and identifies all areas which need optimising.

      I would prefer to pay an expert to do this.

      Failing that, could you please let me know......
      If I carefully edit all the reguired pages (ie in Notepad) , will it not affect the internal workings of Actinic ?

      also, is there no chance that Actinic would overwrite my amendments next time it generated the site?

      Please excuse my ignorance but I hope you can see my concer?

      Thanks agaian for any advice.
      Terry Ferrari



        I would caution anyone using Webposition Gold or any other automated ranking software to read Googles Terms of Services

        No Automated Querying
        You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google. Note that "sending automated queries" includes, among other things:

        using any software which sends queries to Google to determine how a website or webpage "ranks" on Google for various queries;
        "meta-searching" Google; and
        performing "offline" searches on Google.


          just a thought, but how do they track that?

          Does webposition send your URL with the requests or just the keywords? I would have thought just the keywords, in which case how do they know who is 'abusing' the engine?

          the IP of the server and the workstation that webposition is on will often be different, so how easy is it for them to trace? do they bother?

          I would hate to loose the use of webposition as it is very useful (at least in the early stages) to see if I'm getting into the engines.

          Also, what is to stop my competitior(s) from flooding google and pretending to be me...thus getting me banned?


            This was a big discussion a couple of years ago. Webposition does not send anything identifiable about your website. There was an old URL report that queried for the site. I think that is gone now.

            Google does track IP addresses, and if they see many searches from a single IP address (more than a human can do), they will block the IP address. Don't run it from your web server.
            Bob Ladden

