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Actinic V7 Upgrade

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    Actinic V7 Upgrade

    I've resisted but guess I soon have to bite the bullet. How easy is it to upgrade a heavily modified V7 site with 14,000+ products and thousands of duplicates?

    Many thanks.
    Kind Regards Karen

    It's not easy at all.

    You need to start again from scratch on the design side, upgrading is not a sensible option. You can retain all your section, brochure and product info etc., just have a brand new design/theme applied around it.


      Are you saying that I have no option but to keep the V7?

      Thank you.
      Kind Regards Karen


        Not at all. Its just easier to rebuild the design under v9 from scratch, than it is to also import your v7 design, have the Actinic upgrader destroy it under v9 and then try and work your way through in getting back to what it should look like.

        So, upgrade to v9, bringing across your settings, structure (sections/products/duplicates), but do it under a default v9 theme and then rebuild the design from scratch is the best solution - less pain believe me


          Agree 100% - redesigning the site is by far the best option. You are looking for trouble trying to hack an upgraded v7 design site back into shape after upgrading it.

          If you have lots of custom variables you may also have to doctor the v7 data by exporting it from the 'clean' v9 site back into a newly designed v9 site. Well worth the effort.


            Before you take the plunge, it is possible to download a trial of V9 and then import your data, but keeping the default design as already advised. This will give you an indication of how much re-work you need to do on the catalogue side.

            Although Actinic upgrader is much better than before at converting V7 designs, the resulting code is still very messy (particularly if there is lots of customisation) and difficult to maintain. This is an opportunity to start afresh and either replicate your existing design with clean efficient code or give you website a completely new look.
            Alan Johnson

            Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
            Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct

