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Maximum weight

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    Maximum weight

    I'm thinking of expanding my customerbase to Europe, but the shipping charges go from reasonable to absurd after you hit the 2kg mark.

    Can I set actinic to refuse orders over 2kg for euro customers...? (if not I'll just put the costs in and the customers will self regulate!)

    Also, can I get the shopping basket tool (that appears on every page) to show the basket weight as well as qty and value? If the customer is on the 2kg limit I don't want them to have to go backwards and forwards to the checkout taking stuff out...

    ah, found the answer to the first one (don't allow excess), but still need to know about displaying the basket weight...


      There is no 'show basket weight' variable in Actinic I'm afraid. These values are never stored as a single value - they are just added together by the Perl scripts whenever you do a weight-based calculation (i.e. when Actinic wants to display the available shipping classes in the checkout).


        So can I use the existing perl scripts that are used to add it up for the basket to add it up for each page?

        or can I write a perl script to do this? has anyone else done this on an actinic site?

        If it can be done a few hints would be useful - I do have programming skills but have no idea how perl scripts work... (where do I type them? how do I test them?)

        A weight based postal system doesn't seem very useful if the customer has no way of knowing how heavy the basket is...?


          Does anyone use the weight based postage on their actinic site?

          I'm still trying to figure out how to display the weight...

          any perl scripters out there? any add-ons that do this?

