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Cookie Error on Entry

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    Cookie Error on Entry


    A problem started on our site at around 12pm today, our stats have been showing, 4 - 7 out of every 20 visitors are entering on this page


    And they don't go any further (the occassional few browse some product pages, then end up at the page again and leave).

    Rang actinic support, they don't have a clue. i realise, obviously, that if people have cookie disabled, they will get this page when trying to checkout.

    but it's strange that people are entering on this page, and the amount of people doing this it can't be to with cookies disabled.

    Any ideas ?

    any suggestion please.

    <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>

    Not a clue ?
    <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>


      Alritey then.

      Rock on the Open Source Community.
      <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>


        You are not using frames at all are you? If you try and load and Actinic store within a frame which is on a different server then IE6 will give you third-party cookie errors when Actinic tries to set the session cookie. This will give the result you mention.

        Can we see the site please? A good way to get responded to on this forum is to give people something we can look at and play with (rather than just think about).


          No Frames.


          I can't replicate the problem here without turning my security settings on full blast.
          <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>


            As a suggestion, try removing the P3P privacy policy from your website and see if this changes the stats.

            Microsoft has still not rolled out this technology fully so it may cause more problems than it fixes.


              How do I remove the privacy policy ?

              We have recently signed up with overture (on thursday), and the problems started friday.

              Could there be a related problem here ?
              <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>


                With regards to the privacy policy, check in 'Business Settings | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy'. Ensure the 'P3P Policy' field is set to 'No Compact Policy'.

                I'm guessing the cookie errors are almost definitely due to the change in servers. It may be that Actinic is sometimes not able to create the 'session' file on the server that corresponds with the customers shopping session. This may be because the Perl does not have permissions to create files within the 'acatalog' folder. Check the permissions of 'acatalog' are set to '777'. You may need to ask your web host to do this for you.


                  The P3P Policy field doesn't exist under 'Business Settings | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy'.

                  There is a compact policy field, filled with with letters, is this it ?

                  We are running version 6.0.2 (is it easy enough to update to the latest version ?).

                  Permissions are fine, i think the choice of host my eployers chose was not a good decision, so a problem with them wouldn't suprise me.

                  We haven't had any problems so far today (touch wood), very strange.
                  <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>


                    There is a compact policy field, filled with with letters, is this it ?
                    Yep - it sounds like you have got the policy set to 'Basic'.

                    My guess that the errors you have been getting is down to domain propogation. If you have moved servers then it will take customers a while before everyone is looking at the same server. This could cause weird things (technical term) and cause IE6 to think that Actinic is trying to set a third-party cookie.

                    The fact that you have got no errors recently could be due to the domains settling down.


                      The domain hasn't moved in the 4 months ive been here, and I believe the site was running 8 months before I got here.

                      So the domain hasn't moved in 12 months.

                      The Cookie errors have died down, yesterday i think we had 5 yesterday. But knowing why we had such a huge load of them on Friday and the weekend would be nice.
                      <a href="">Roll On . . .</a> | <a href="">Playground</a>

