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Froogle submit problems

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    Froogle submit problems

    I have received many requests for help regarding the froogle submit. Its the holiday season and many merchants want to get the most traffic possible and google / froogle will help.

    The most common issue that causes the rejection of the datastream is hard returns or invalid characters in the description column of the datafeed. As this seems to be the overwhelming majority I want to publish some guidelines for fixing this problem.

    Some kudos goes to former Actinic Employee Debby Stefaniak, who helped me with a recent froogle submit.

    If the folks at froogle reject your feed due to invalid characters in the datastream (usually the description field) do the following:

    Open your froogle feed file in excel.
    Select the column "description"
    Copy the column
    Open word and past the contents
    Select edit | find
    Select the "more button" & then the "special" button
    Select the find "Manual Line Break"
    Replace with a single space (hit the space bar)
    Replace all in the document

    Now copy and past the data into the column of the spreadsheet.
    Save the spreadsheet and resubmit to froogle.

    The froogle feed is a great traffic generator. And now is the best possible time to submit. I hope the information above will help those trying to submit. Equally I hope Actinic resolves the problem in an upcoming patch release.

    Enjoy the holiday season

    Brian Johnson
    Brian Johnson
    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
    1-732-528-7635 x203

    For another solution...

    Be sure to check out the thread here.

