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Dicount code problem when viewed in Firefox

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    Dicount code problem when viewed in Firefox

    Hi all,

    For some time now we have been getting customers contacting us to tell us that our site ( is not working in Firefox. Every time we test it, we cannot find a problem! People were saying that when they click on a product to go through to that product's more information and order page, Firefox would throw up a 404 not found error. The strange thing is that this appears to be intermittent! My business partner was experiencing this on Sunday and yet on Monday (with no additional work carried out), all was fine again.

    I have since hard coded all these links rather than using Actinic to create the links so that there can be NO misinterpretation of the links generated. In Firefox, the Actinic generated links were showing the URL without acatalog.

    However, there are still problems with our site (only in Firefox) with discount codes (e.g. G2U4060000). Customers are reporting that when they enter our discount codes, the discount is initially applied and works fine, but on transferring through to HSBC, the discount is then forgotten and the price reverts to full price. We have tested and tested and tested on all browsers and can't normally replicate this until, as I say, my business partner was experiencing this on Sunday. Then, for him too, this was happening.

    Has anyone else experienced this strange happening with your sites in Firefox? I would estimate that in the past 3 months we have had 20 or so customers contact us regarding this. When you consider that only a very small percentage of customers would bother to go to the trouble of mentioning this, we estimate that this is a fairly big problem.

    I will contact Firefox regarding this but just wondered, before I do, if this had already been reported. (Couldn't find anything when doing a search on the Forum however).

    Cheers, Ian


    I've tried to checkout in FF but can't even get that far, I get the "cookies not enabled" message (not true, other Actinic shops are fine) which prevents me checking out and returns me to a page with virtually nothing on it.......

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      Ahh, there's another new one then. That's never happened in any of our testing and no reports. Another one to solve.

      Thanks for the info. All useful stuff. Ian

