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uploading site - no images!

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    uploading site - no images!

    Hi all

    I've just spent ages (and I mean ages!) uploading my site and when it eventually (yawn!) says its complete and I access the site I find no images!!!!!!

    Upon checking with an ftp client I've found 13 (out of hundreds and hundreds!) images in the /acatalog directory.

    Does anyone know what's happened and why it hasn't uploaded the images and also can I simply upload the images using the ftp client.............if so where do I put them

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

    I have had some issues along these lines in the past, you have to be careful that the images are not referenced more than once. Sometimes they need adding to the Advanced |Additional file and sometimes if they are added here they will not upload at all because they are reference from elsewhere in actinic. Actinic references all of the images from the \acatalog directory on the server. To check you can right click where the image should be and look at the properties where it will show you the path of the image it is looking for. You can simply then FTP the file to the server and it will work fine.


      Another thing to look for. Do your image filenames have unusual characters in them? Someone recently had images silently fail to upload because they had name like abcd(50%).jpg

      You CAN use the same image more than once without problems.

      However you cannot use the same image multiple times if you source it from different folders on your Actinic system; because Actinic puts everything into the same directory on the target machine.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

