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Contact Enquiry Form

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    Contact Enquiry Form

    Is there a way to redirect people who press the Contact Us button to an equiry form that sits outside the actinic site, rather that just using the mailto: HTML function?

    alternitively can an equiries page with contact details and a form be added to my actinic site?

    You could add the code for the <form> for your 'contact us' page to the top of Act_InfoBody.html. This is the template for a separate 'Terms and Conds' page. That way the 'Terms and Conds' button would take customers to this page. You could re-label the link to something like 'Customer Services'.


      Thanks for the reply Chris I will give this a go, but what I really was hoping to do is to have the contact details on a separate page to the Ts & Cs. Can a extra link to an external form (ie a PHP enquiry form) be created, a bit like the 'home' page link which allows you to link to a specific URL?


        If you are not using the 'Home' link in the navigation bar, then you can make this link to a separate page in 'Design | Options | Miscellaneous'. This could be the PHP page.

        If you are using the home page link for something esle, then all you can do is hard-code a link to the php page into the overall layout (Primary) template for your store.


          I thought this might be the case, hard coding is going to have to be the solution.

          Thanks for your advise Chris


            I've hard coded a contact us link into act primary and don't use the option within the navigation, thus using a contact form.

            This means however that you get a contact us button on some pages where other nav buttons are not available but I don't consider this to be a problem.

            Does anyone have an recommendations for a secure form which the harvesters can t get to.

            Can we have the ability to use a form rathertrhan mailto put on the wish list please. with more and more harvesting going on it is becoming a critical feature

