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Larger for other Info Prompt

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    Larger for other Info Prompt

    I have been trying to change the other 'Info Prompt' field from a text box to a textarea box following the instructions in the advanced user guide. I've asked this question before but only just got round to dealing with it so apoligies for asking again.
    Below are the changes I made as stated in the advanced user guide, but it hasent changed at all.

    %s<textarea NAME=text NAME="%s" ROWS="5" COLS="40" %d MAXLENGTH=" %d" ></textarea>

    Changes made at phase-1 ID :2161

    Can anyone shed any light on where I'm going wrong here as I've typed it up a number of times to no avail. I've also done a refresh of the site but still no change.

    Many thanks

    The bit "NAME=text " shouldn't be there at all. Are you sure this is copied accurately from the Advanced Guide?

    I would also check the version of Actinic you're running as the Other Info prompt changed slightly at 6.1.3 and there may be updated info on this Forum, the Knowledge Base or the latest Advanced Guide.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman . Your right I did type it in wrong leaving Name= in twice. Corrected and uploaded still no effect I have version 6.1.3. I will download the latest advanced guide and have a good look throught that.

      Many thanks as always



        Norman I found this link on the forums go here .

        I will try this when I get back from the day job.

        The latest version of the advanced user guide makes no mention of this, something of a major ommission, come on Actinic get it included a user guide aint much good if the imnformation is incorrect.

        Thank you Norman. I am also intrested in implementing your multiple info prompt . Can you point me to the information to do this.

        Is this going to be a feature of version 7?



          I'm amending the advanced user guide as we speak. Many thanks for drawing my attention to it.


            The fix for 6.1.3 onwards is:

            1. Go to 'Design | Text'

            2. Click 'Go To' and in the ID field enter '2161'.

            3. It should highlight a line that says find a line that says:
            %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>

            4. Change the prompt to read:
            %s<textarea NAME="%s" ROWS="5" COLS="40" %d MAXLENGTH="%d">%s</textarea>

            5. Click 'OK' to save your changes.

            6. Now go into your 'Site1' folder and locate a file called ''. Open it in Notepad.

            7. Search for '2161', you should see...
            $sHTML = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2161, "", $sIndex, 35, 1000, $sValue, $sStyle);

            8. Comment out this line by preceding it with a #.

            9. Insert the following immediately after the above line...
            $sHTML = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2161);
            $sHTML =~ s/%d/%s/;
            $sHTML =~ s/>MyText/>/i;
            $sHTML = sprintf( $sHTML, "", $sIndex, $sStyle, 1000, $sValue);

            10. Save the file and then upload your Actinic store.


              Thank you Norman. I am also intrested in implementing your multiple info prompt . Can you point me to the information to do this.
              That's on - I've just posted an update as well that implements inline style (so some of the fields can be different colours, etc).



              Is this going to be a feature of version 7?
              Actinic won't tell. Perhaps the Hutton Inquiry should have it's remit extended to include Actinic 7 features.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Thank Chris, Thank you Norman. Dont know where I'd be with out you guys.

                Wont tell! I'll send the heavy squad round to beat it out of em lol...



                  Hi Guys have it working now. Hit a slight problem my file did not have a getphrase id 2161. I copied a new one in from the original folder and that works fine.

                  I wanted to get some default text into the text area box so I used the following as stated in a post on the forums but cant get the default text to appear although the textarea box works okay

                  %s<textarea NAME="%s" ROWS="5" COLS="40" %d MAXLENGTH="%d">Delete this text and enter your engraving requirements%s</textarea>

                  Any suggestions as to why the default txt is not appearing.

                  Many thanks for your help



                    Works fine for me. Try your browser Refresh button.

                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Thanks Norman But I'm not getting the default text. My understanding is that it would appear in the text area box but I cant see it.
                      The text entered in the 'other info prompt' field appears okay but not the text that I understood would appear in the text area box.



                        When I pasted
                        %s<textarea NAME="%s" ROWS="5" COLS="40" %d MAXLENGTH="%d">Delete this text and enter your engraving requirements%s</textarea>
                        into Phase -1 ID 2161 it worked OK. I'd double check what you've done.

                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                          Thanks Norman. Not concentrating as usual I spose


                            Just another one on this, can the 'Other info prompt' text area box I now have be set so that it is not a requirement to fill it in as some of the prodcuts dont need engraving. At the moment you cant procced unless some txt is entred.



                              You could just leave the default message in, perhaps renaming it to be something "No Engraving Required".

                              Alternatively just set that text to a single space and it should work.

                              Also my Multiple Other Info patch allows for some fields to be optional. You could use this with a single entry.

                              There have been other threads about this, including Perl patches to allow for empty Other Info. You could try searching for these.

                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

