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Actinic PHP / Randomising Products

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    Actinic PHP / Randomising Products

    Dunno if this has been covered, suggested or mentioned but is there any likelyhood of a php version of Actinic??

    I just like the way PHP-based sites can have randomly displayed products on the front page of the site... or is this possible with Actinic in it's current state? (Where the front page of the site is independent from Actinic such as in my own...)

    Mind you... could probably use the Froogle Feed to feed the info into a MySQL table anyways, automate the import job with cron to keep it up to date, and manually PHP script it on whatever page you liked??

    (I assume... I don't touch PHP, leave it to someone else to write then tell me how to incorporate it into a page!)
    Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    Hi Marci

    I can see an online database + scripting language being a logical direction for Actinic to go for in the future. It makes sense.

    If we do go for it I guess the big decision would be whether we should go for ASP or PHP. Although ASP is limited to Windows servers, it does have the largest market share at the moment.

    I'd be really keen to hear any opinions you guys might have out there.


      Altho ASP has the market share, the number of Actinic Users who are in that level are probably few in comparison to the smaller companies using unix hosting etc etc...

      Then there's the issue of the majority of sites now running the free php forums, galleries, and site content systems.

      It would make Actinic widely and easily integratable into all the current popular systems.... so my vote goes with php.
      Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


        I would go with PHP as well - PHP also runs on Win servers (under IIS or Apache) so you basically capture both markets.

        Again with PHP you also get the free MySQL integrations (again on Win and other servers) so syncronisation would still be possible (although probably not as seemless as an offline access and online SQLServer)

        I would also think as Apache is the most used Webserver PHP is likely to have a much larger footprint than ASP.

        And finally, Apache/*nix servers are cheaper - OneandOne allow you to hire an apache server for £30 per month, a Win03 server is £50 (not including SQL Server)

        But please don't give up the great ability of Actnic not to have to do things online.


          Good to see a positive response from Actinic when PHP got mentioned.

          My 10,000TL worth (that's about 2p).

          Please nothing that ties us all to Windows Servers only. Keep Unix / Linux / Solaris in the picture. Would you fly on an aircraft run by Windows? I'd rather go by ship.

          The Perl scripts (even when compressed) are now around 600Kb. As this is 10 times bigger than the original release of Unix they are definitely getting a bit unwieldy. As for their resource requirements 12Mb memory to add something to the cart is way too steep (Unix originally required 30Kb scratchpad).

          Keeping with static HTML product pages but having a PHP / MySQL system for the search, cart and checkout would make a lot of sense. Let the overhead be a common one rather than a per site one. And, of course it wouldn't be too hard to add features like "Customers who bought this...." and "Top 10..", etc.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            The key feature for most stores would be the "here are a random selection from our product range" showing about 8 thumbnails on the frontpage of your site, which can be independent of actinic but with the relevant php code inserted...
            Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


              I think you should stick with PHP.

              Considering all the problems I hear about in here with people runnning Actinic on Windows servers I think it would be a bad idea to force everbody down the Windows route.

              I am now quite excited about a PHP/MYSQL version of Actinic. (Hmmm what a sad life I lead !)

              Printerbase - Colour & Mono Laser Printers


                OK, so in the meantime do we have any PHP specialists here that could decipher the frooglefeed so that it could be imported into a MySQL Database / PHP system?
                Marci - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


                  I know this is an old thread...

                  I was wandering if anyone is still reading this thread...

                  If so is there any progress in the Actinic fraternity regarding the implementation of a live system???


                    Given that the vast majority of actinic users host on unix platforms I can see no benefit in going down the ASP route.

                    Personally I don't use any windows server technology as I prefer the unix/php/opensource approach.

                    I would have to take a good hard look at using Actinic if it went for a windows platform as I would feel that I was being forced into a platform I have no real interest in using


                      I have a little ASP.NET programming under way and found it really simple to work with. ASP will run on a *NIX server with a MOD, so there is no force to windows. I would continue to look at both ASP and PHP to see which offers more flexibility/control/functionality.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
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                        Wow! A two year old thread resurrected. No change in my choice. PHP for me.

                        Also many people use a local server for Cart and Checkout testing and adding PHP to your own little desktop system is very easy to do (and free).
                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                          Great idea PHP, not so fond of ASP as I haven't tinkered much with it.

                          Seems that PHP will win all hands down!

                          Location: North Yorkshire UK


                            So were all agreed...

                            Quick note for the Actinic Developers...

                            Although there are a number of discussions (especially in this thread) regarding the use of PHP or ASP...

                            But the one point that seems to be more or less unanymous is we all would like to see Actinic DITCH PERL!!!

                            Got my Vote!!!
                            Last edited by axpoint; 12-Dec-2005, 04:29 PM. Reason: Extra detail


                              woops didn't notice the start date of the thread

