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Another Customer Message Issue in 6.1.3

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    Another Customer Message Issue in 6.1.3

    Hello All,

    I was having an issue in Version 6.1.2 of Actinic Business
    with using seperate customer messages for two pricing
    schedules. Ben the Administrator helped me through it,
    but now I am having a slightly different problem with
    the same subject in the newest version, 6.1.3.

    I seems that I can get the customer message to display for
    the correct associated price schedule when I DON'T have a
    quantity discount in use.

    But as soon as I put in a quantity discount,
    (to be used for both price schedules), I can only get the
    default price schedule customer message to display,
    regardless of what price schedule the customer is logged
    in under.

    The fix that Ben gave me before doesn't apply anymore to
    the new version of Actinic Business. Here is the fix that
    Ben gave me before:
    Hi John

    It's a bit strange! You can work around it by creating a
    temporary third schedule named something other than
    Retailxx (say 'trade'). Set your second quantity discount
    under this schedule, click 'Schedule' to arrange the order
    by schedule name and then you find you can change the
    quantity discount for 'trade' to 'RetailTwo'.

    Best Regards,

    This no longer does the trick. In fact... when I don't
    have a quantity discount, I don't have to do anything
    special at all. But as soon as I come to a product
    requiring a quantity discount, the customer message
    for the secondary price schedule will not show, but
    instead, the default customer message still shows.

    For anyone that is interested, here is a scenario of what
    I have set up:
    Two pricing schedules - Retail and RetailTwo.
    Different customer message in each price schedule.

    Customers not logged in are assigned the Retail
    Price Schedule.
    Customers who log in, get assigned to the RetailTwo
    Price Schedule.
    And oddly enough:
    RetailTwo is actually the higher price range. As
    requested by my client.

    Under 50 units purchased:
    Retail: $0.75 per unit
    RetailTwo: $0.90 per unit

    Quantity discount over 50 units purchased:
    Retail: $0.50
    RetailTwo: $0.58

    When there is a quantity discount, the only customer
    message that will display on the product page is
    the Retail Price Schedule Customer Message. Regardless
    of what price schedule the customer is using.

    When there is no quantity discount used, Customer
    Messages appear to display correctly.

    The one good thing here is that the cart and check out
    pages appear to be displaying the correct pricing and
    calculating the correct discounts, totals, etc.

    The issue only appears to be happening on the product
    page itself.

    I reviewed the Script changes log for the new version
    6.1.3 and noticed that some mods were made by Zoltan
    Magyar and Tibor Vajda in the script,
    between lines 2178 and 2277.

    When I looked, I saw the mention of $nScheduleID,
    $pAccount->{PriceSchedule}, $sInsideText and $sMessage,
    but I didn't see any noticable conditions applied for
    when a quantity discount is involved.

    I have already deleted all *.fil files, locally and remotely,
    and refreshed the web site with no positive results.
    I have also made sure that NETQUOTEVAR:PRICEEXPLANATION
    is present in the HTML code.

    Any suggestions or pointers would be highly appreciated.

    Hope to hear from someone soon.
    Best Regards,
    John King
    Web Master -
    Web Hosting and Design for Today's Internet!
    Visit <a href=""></a>

    RE: Customer Message Issue

    22 people viewed my post. But still no replies. Hmm?
    Am I the only one having this issue? Is there no fix
    for this problem in the new version?
    Please help.
    Best Regards,
    John King
    Web Master -
    Web Hosting and Design for Today's Internet!
    Visit <a href=""></a>


      Hi John

      I have asked Zoltan (the Actinic perl expert) to cast his eye over your message and make a suggestion.


        RE: Customer Message

        Thanks C,
        Hopefully we can get this worked out.
        Looking forward to hearing from you.
        Best Regards,
        John King
        Web Master -
        Web Hosting and Design for Today's Internet!
        Visit <a href=""></a>


          Hmmm... it looks like a really old bug. Unluckily it is not in the perl code but rather in c++. So I'm afraid I'm not able to provide any quick solution at the moment. However the fix is trivial so I'm checking in the fix while this message is being written. Therefore the fix will be included in the next maintenance release.
          BTW the reason of this odd behaviour of the code down to the multiple price comment entries in the section BLOB (*.cat files). You can not specify the message for the quantity discount prices but the empty message will be generated into the BLOB. In other words the product information will contain as many price comments as many discount prices are generated for a schedule. Unluckily the empty messages are overwriting the previous ones and there is no way to change the sequence.

          Sorry for the bad news. I hope the next maintenance release will be out within a few weeks and you can get it work.

          Actinic Software


            RE: Customer Message

            That is odd, because I had it working fine in version 6.1.2
            Best Regards,
            John King
            Web Master -
            Web Hosting and Design for Today's Internet!
            Visit <a href=""></a>


              RE: Customer Message

              Hi again Z,
              I realize you can't specify any customer message in the discount quantity areas, but in version 6.1.2, the proper message was still being displayed. Being pulled from the base price of each price schedule.

              Also, could you explain a little more about what you said before.
              I'm not sure that it is coming in clear for me.
              Not sure what you mean by empty message.

              Is this version so much different than 6.1.2 that now it is impossible to display the correct customer message just because I am using a price discount. Why did you all change that? It seems like a downgrade, not an upgrade.
              Best Regards,
              John King
              Web Master -
              Web Hosting and Design for Today's Internet!
              Visit <a href=""></a>



                Checking the file history you seem to be partially right. It was working correctly in v6.1.2 unless you did not remove a price schedule before creating a new one. This price schedule deleting bug was fixed on 1 May 2003 according to the file history. Unluckily the developer who did the fix din'n't take into account the volume prices and the applied solution is not working in that case. As I have mentioned I have fixed this bug last night so this should be OK in the next maintenance release. Sorry for the inconvenience.
                Also, could you explain a little more about what you said before.
                I'm not sure that it is coming in clear for me.
                Not sure what you mean by empty message.
                The price messages are stored in the section blob (*.cat) file. The format is something like
                'PRICE_COMMENTS' => {
                	1 => 'Message for retail (schedule ID = 1)',
                	2 => 'Message for new schedule (schedule ID = 2)',
                when you have the retail and one account schedule defined. When you define quantity discount prices then the volume prices are also adding lines to this structure. E.g. if you have volume prices defined for both schedules then the structure will look like
                'PRICE_COMMENTS' => {
                	1 => 'Message for retail (schedule ID = 1)',
                	1 => '',
                	2 => 'Message for new schedule (schedule ID = 2)',
                	2 => '',
                As you can see two items are associated with both price schedules in the data structure now. Unluckily the second (generated for the volume price), which is an empty string, overwrites the first valid message.
                Actinic Software

