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Actinic V6 vs AOL browsers

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    Actinic V6 vs AOL browsers

    I recently advised a client to use Actinic to design their e-commerce site. The client said they had heard that users with AOl browsers were not able to place orders on sites with Actinic V6.

    Does anyone have any knowledge of this. We don't have access to an AOL browser to try it out.


    We have not heard of any problems with AOL users not being able to place orders and we have just fixed a problem regarding receipt e-mails being sent to AOL customers with incorrect order amounts (fixed in v6.0.2 and v5.1.6), which suggests that they could place the order in the first place.

    Can you tell me where your client heard this.


      I have just sent an email to Chris Dickens about this thread because i knew one was there but could not find it. Anyway

      I have just recieved an email from a customer using AOL and evertime he clicks send on his credit card details he recieves an error message telling him to contact webmaster@secure-online. we are using a shared secure server with and collect the card details for processing manually.

      I am trying to get more information from the customer about this issue, but is there are security conflict with AOL? I have put some dummy orders through and there are no problems.



        We do test our software with AOL browsers and have not seen any problems. There must be another factor involved. Maybe there is a problem with AOL and their SSL setup? It would be really useful to see the error log.


          AOL Browser ?

          What's an AOL browser ? Is it just mozilla ?


            AOL now use Netscape/Mozilla as the basis for their browsers. They did use to use IE I believe.




              attached is my current error log, you can probably make more sense of it than me. I hope this is the one you are looking for.

              Cheers Darren
              Attached Files


                Not really, there are just lots of lines like this:

                Program = ORDERSCR, Program version = 419 , HTTP Server = Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) tomcat/1., Return code = 999

                Any suggestions from anyone?


                  Chris, you say you looked at the error log but that it doesn't yield anything useful. I'm not sure I agree as there are errors here I've never seen before. For instance, what does "SetCallBack called" indicate? The error log is riddled with them! Something MUST be wrong.
                  Darren, also look in the site error logs covering the same time period. Both the regular error log (often just error.log) and the SSL error log might have more information here. If there's a server misconfiguration then the error should show up in at least one of the site logs. If the error only appear in the Actinic error log and not in the site logs then the problem is within the Actinic program.

                  Yes, I know; reading logs are a pain but sometimes you have to!

                  Hidden Valley Hibiscus


                    AOL browsers always fail at the SSLBOUNCE - actinic passes a URL that is often >500 characters

                    does work if the customer presses the refresh button manually to continue...


                      Originally posted by yvonne
                      Chris, you say you looked at the error log but that it doesn't yield anything useful. I'm not sure I agree as there are errors here I've never seen before. For instance, what does "SetCallBack called" indicate? The error log is riddled with them! Something MUST be wrong.
                      "SetCallback called" is a debug message left there by development. Sorry about that.
                      So Chris is right, the error.err doesn't tell any meaninful about this issue.
                      Both the regular error log (often just error.log) and the SSL error log might have more information here.
                      I agree. Problems like this can most likely be tracked down by using the server's log rather than Catalog's.

                      Zoltan Magyar
                      Actinic Software


                        thanks for your help
                        My ISP do not allow access to my server error log, this is because i am using a Shared sercure server. but they have told me if it happens again they will trace it for me.

                        I mentioned that it appears to be with AOL customers and the guy laughed, in his words all these types of problems stem from AOL. (his actual words are AOL browsers are crap!) The problems are getting less with the new versions but a lot of people are still on older versions that cause these problems.

                        so i will just have to wait for the next error and see if we can get some more information.

                        Once again thanks for you help guys.



                          > I have just recieved an email from a customer using AOL and
                          > evertime he clicks send on his credit card details he recieves an
                          > error message telling him to contact webmaster@secure-
                          > online. we are using a shared secure server with
                          > and collect the card details for processing
                          > manually

                          possibly the site blocking access to an IP address in error? - some have firewalls set to block access automatically after 5 failed attempts or too many attempts in a short period.

                          other sites have a similar message to contact the site owner directly but IP blocking usually clears automatically after 24 hours


                            > I recently advised a client to use Actinic to design their e->commerce site. The client said they had heard that users with
                            > AOl browsers were not able to place orders on sites with Actinic
                            >Does anyone have any knowledge of this. We don't have access
                            > to an AOL browser to try it out.

                            seems to be a problem clicking on CHECKOUT NOW and SSLBOUNCE goes to "Page Cannot Be Displayed" the first time, works after Refresh - but often comes up with "general script error the input is null" and customers give up

                            AOL browsers seem to have problems with the sslbounce call to

                            can anyone using AOL 6.0 or AOL 7.0 confirm this?


                              Our testing team has done some testing with AOL browsers and has been able to recreate the problem when transferring AOL customers to a checkout on a secure server.

                              A task has been raised to find workaround for this limitation, and it will be available in a future maintenance release of the software.

