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Actinic V6 vs AOL browsers

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    this old chestnut again

    hi all so far i have had nearly £1500 of orders fail because of this issue. Could we please raise this to a high priority as soon as possible.

    Today i managed to salvage an order for £750 by getting in touch with the client before he placed an order elsewhere.

    I know this is a problem with AOL but i only know of the customers who failed to place an order because they told me, I do not know how many i have lost because they never contacted us to tell us of the problem.

    the customers i have spoken to all suffer the same problem, cgi script errors through the site then the SSL bounce page throws them out.

    Please Please could we raise this to a higher issue (yes i am begging)

    Thanks Darren


      I have made this a high priority with the team and will let you know as soon as I hear anything.


        thanks chris


          We've tested your store with AOL v7.0 without any problems.

          Would you happen to know what versions of AOL your customers with the problems are using?


            AH so you would be the bogus order then.

            Mr sfd got you order this morning, but i have just had an email from another customer about his problem but as yet have know idea what ISP he is using, I will let you know as soon as i get all the information from him.



              I have this customers details - interestingly enough the's not on AOL though. He actually tried last night then again this morning and this is the error message he got back

              The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
              unable to complete your request.
              Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@secure-online-
     and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything
              you might have done that may have caused the error.

              More information about this error may be available in the server error

              This guy is conecting using demon and using IE6

              Any ideas



                None I'm afraid. You caould always take a look at the error.err file in your acatalog folder to see if there are any errors.

                The tricky thing is, we have established it is probably not a browser issue and probably not a server issue. If the problem is intermittent it might be to do with server resources and trying to place orders at busy times of the day.


                  The error.err file does not show anything either.

                  Internetters & actinic have both had ago at putting through orders with various creit cards and ISP's but noone has been able to make it fall over. I have tried on various pc's as well.

                  The only answer i had left is to give them the option to place the order online and we will contact them for payment.

                  this then allows the customer to place his order if his credit card wont go through.

                  Thanks for you help guys.


                  ps just a thought, do you know if internetters have a maximum limit set up on there sercure server? I think i'll give them a ring later.


                    Having had a similar problem again yesterday i immediately contacted internetters and they have found the reference in the error log on the secure server. (my customer had been using ADSL with BT & using IE5)

                    they contacted yourselves and this is the email i recieved back from internetters

                    I don't have any further information on your secure server now, but I've been informed that our error log details have been passed on to the developer who is dealing with your problem. He has also responded to a query you posted on the Actinic forum, asking for more information. I'll let you know if I have any further updates.

                    could you let me know how requires what information.

                    Thanks for you help



                      Bump... has any progress been made with the AOL fix? Also the problem is still there in IE6, is that going to be addressed. I have a client now who was getting customers with the IE6 problem, and now she has AOL problems too.

                      This is the IE6 thread:
                      Nick Morecroft
                      01392 434530
                      <A target=_blank href =""></A>
                      hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce



                        as far as i am concerned the problem was fixed when i transfered my site over to you guys.

                        well lets just say i do not get any disgruntled customers, i get the od did my order go through.



                          Hi there

                          With regards to the Input is Null error, there is a short term fix at the following thread:

                          Kind Regards
                          Nadeem Rasool
                          SellerDeck Development

