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SecPay and callback

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    SecPay and callback

    I have just set up a website for a client ( and all CC payments are are handled through SecPay. The whole process is working well except that all of the orders are arriving marked as "Credit Card Details Sent Separately" even though the transaction has cleared and the client has received notification of this from SecPay. I understand that it is a callback config issue between Actinic and SecPay and that the wrong callback page is being called after a successful transaction. Can anyone point me in the right direction to remedy this?

    Any help gratefully received, thanks in advance.


    Hi Duncan,

    The way that the order processing works between Actinic and a PSP is that the customer places the order on Actinic and at the point when he/she is sent to the PSP server an order file is created on your server in the form of OrderNumber.ord. Then the customer completes the form on the PSP server and should return to the merchant server. The PSP then do their checks on the credit card. Once they approve the transaction the send a callback to your server in the form of OrderNumber.occ. When the orders are downloaded into Actinic the software reads the .occ file and then determines that the payment has been received.

    It looks to me like that call back is not being made. Firstly, when your client set up the account with SecPay, did they tell them that they were using Actinic? If they don't know this, then they may not know that they have to make that callback.

    Another possiblity could be a problem between their server and your server.

    You should contact SecPay to find out if they can trace the callback leaving their server.


      Hi Tracey,

      Thanks for coming back to me.

      I did speak to SecPay about this and they seemed to think that it was an Actinic issue. They do know that we are using Actinic and I assumed after talking to them that there would be an option somewhere in the program to invoke the callback to our server. If this isn't the case then I will speak to them again on Monday. I know that the callback just now is going to SecPay's own callback page which is why we are not getting cleared transactions.

      At the moment all of the orders are coming through as "Pending" and so all of the Sales Analysis reporting is also wrong unless the client manually changes the payment status of each order. This is OK at the moment but when the volume of orders starts to rise it will be a pain!

      I will let you know what happens after speaking to SecPay.

      Thanks again,



        secpay callback


        I'm just setting up an account with Secpay and on the application form they ask:

        "If you are using a hash algorithm for your callback mechanism, enter your secret key here. Especially important for customers using Actinic Catalogue or SmartCreds."

        Whats my secret key please?

        Thanks Paul
        chilled but never frosty



          SecPay provide you with the Secret Key. This is then put into the software in the 'View | Business Settings | Payment & Security | Configure Method' option along with your Merchant ID number.



            It threw me because they asked me for it on their registration form

            chilled but never frosty


              You can make up your own key (password).

              You just enter it into actinic and then tell SecPay what it is.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


