Auto Multi Columns. This readme will allow you to lay products out in any number of columns. The number of columns can be easily altered by setting a Custom Property. This uses JavaScript but will fail-safe on Non-JavaScript browsers by displaying a single product per row. INSTRUCTIONS Replace Act_ProductBody.html with the following:- <!-- ProductBody HTML begin --> <!-- Insert HTML for the top of the product body --> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- var currentcol = 0; var colwidth = Math.floor(100 / CUSTOMVAR:NUMCOLS); // --> </script> <div align="right"><a name="sectiontop"> NETQUOTEVAR:PARENTSECTIONSTOP </a><a name="sectiontop"> <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP --> NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLISTTOP NETQUOTEVAR:TOPSECTIONSEPARATOR NETQUOTEVAR:CARTERRORLISTXML </a> NETQUOTEVAR:HIDDENINPUT <BR> <TABLE WIDTH="500" COLS="3" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="10" CELLSPACING="0" ALIGN="CENTER"> NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBULK <script language=JavaScript> <!-- if ( currentcol != 0 ) { while ( currentcol++ < CUSTOMVAR:NUMCOLS ) document.write('<td width="' + colwidth + '%"></td>'); document.write('</tr>'); } // --> </script> </TABLE> </div> <DIV ALIGN="RIGHT"><a name="sectionbottom"> NETQUOTEVAR:SINGLEADD </a></DIV> <a name="sectionbottom">NETQUOTEVAR:BOTTOMSECTIONSEPARATOR NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLISTBOTTOM <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSBOTTOM --> </a> <!-- <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><a name="sectionbottom"> NETQUOTEVAR:PARENTSECTIONSBOTTOM </a></DIV> --> <!-- Insert HTML for the bottom of the product body --> <!-- ProductBody HTML end --> Replace Act_ProductLine.html with the following: <!-- ProductLine HTML begin --> <!-- Insert HTML for the top of the individual product --> <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:INCLUDE Act_ProductSeparator.html --> NETQUOTEVAR:ENDSEPARATOR NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTFORMBEGIN <script language=JavaScript> <!-- if ( currentcol++ == 0 ) document.write('<tr><td colspan=3><table border=0><tr>'); document.write('<td width="' + colwidth + '%" valign=top>'); // --> </script> <noscript><tr><td width="100%"></noscript> <!-- START each product lives in this table - alter below to rearrange items --> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan=2> <a name="NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR"><span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span></a> <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="TOP" align="CENTER"> NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEBEGINXML NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE </td> <td valign="TOP"> NETQUOTEVAR:EXTINFOLINK</span>NETQUOTEVAR:EXTINFOBUTTON <br> <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBEGINLINKNETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTLINKTEXTNETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTENDLINK NETQUOTEVAR:PRICEEXPLANATION </span><br> <b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2> NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTDESCRIPTION <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:OTHERINFOPROMPT </span> <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:DATEPROMPT </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="LEFT" colspan="2"> <span class="actxsmall"> NETQUOTEVAR:CARTERRORXMLNETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY<br> <Actinic:ACTIONS>NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON</Actinic:ACTIONS> </span> NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEENDXML </td> </tr> </table> <!-- END each product lives in this table - alter above to rearrange items --> </td> NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTFORMEND <script language=JavaScript> <!-- if ( currentcol >= CUSTOMVAR:NUMCOLS ) { document.write('</tr></table></td></tr>'); currentcol = 0; } // --> </script> <noscript></tr></noscript> NETQUOTEVAR:NEXT <!-- Insert HTML for the bottom of the individual product --> <!-- ProductLine HTML end --> Go into Actinic / Advanced / Custom Properties, click the "+" sign and create a property called NUMCOLS of type text. OK out. Go Design / Options / Site Defaults / Properties, click the "+" sign and select NUMCOLS. Set its value to 3 (for 3 columns, 4 for 4 , etc). (if using Business uncheck Searchable and check Use as Customvar) OK out. You can set this value on a per Section basis if required by opening the Section, selecting Properties and setting it as above.