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back order gone pear shaped

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    back order gone pear shaped

    I made a mistake with a back order.

    I have an item where somebody ordered 2, but I only have one in stock. I didn't know how to split this (I do now), so I ended up with a back order for both items by mistake.

    However, now I know how to split them I want to delete the back order, and create a new back order with just one product - but it's not working...

    If I delete the backorder the main order still says that the item (x2) has been back ordered. If I undelete the backorder I can't seem to tell it to un-backorder itself...

    How do I get rid of the back order and start again?

    Hi John

    I'm afraid there is no option in the software at the moment to reverse the back order. It's been requested on the wishlist so I'll enter your post to add weight to the request.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      but it's totally buggered. I can't ship the back order or cancel it or delete it or anything. Something is screwed up somewhere. Now the order and backorder are both sat in pending and I can't do anything with them. Is there a way to manually modify/delete the back order from access or somewhere?


        You won't be able to start again, i.e. revert back to the order status when it came in and then redo the backorder, but you should have the option to delete the back order (if the customer has cancelled that part of the order or you are not likely to have any more in stock) or ship it. If you double-click on the back order and select a line item from the Line Items tab, the Ship button should be enabled at the bottom of the dialogue.
        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software

