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customer changes order...

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    customer changes order...

    I have a customer that orders £100 of stuff and pays by credit card. Then they e-mail and say "I also wanted x but it was out of stock and wouldn't let me order, please hold the order til it's back in stock then ship it"

    The problem is that the item isn't accounted for on the credit card. I can't increase the credit card billed amount as that's not allowed.

    So, how do I handle this?

    I could 'adjust' the order, and phone the customer for their credit card details, but this is messy, and inccurs 2 lots of credit card charges!

    Another option would be to ask the customer to raise another order when the item is back in stock, but this also incurrs 2 credit card charges and would incur another delivery charge (unless they could 'edit' the delivery charge to zero (see my other post).

    Is there a better way?

    The way we recommend people to do this is to place another order on behalf of the customer. That's the only way to get a new order into Actinic, and to get the card details taken online.

    With regards to the delivery issue, maybe you could create a shipping zone which just has an imaginary country in it (you can edit the list of countries in 'Advanced | Locations'). This shipping zone can have free shipping for all orders. This country can then be selected by either you or your customer when making supplementary orders.

