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Actinic and EPOS

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    Actinic and EPOS

    I have been approached to supply an online shop and an EPOS system for a new client. My brief would be to integrate the two so that they are basically working from one database (preferably the EPOS db) for stock control and pricing. The client has looked at an EPOS system called SalesStream, which appears to do everything he needs.

    Since both SalesStream and Actinic will both import & export with common file types (CSV or similar), can the process be automated? Has anyone else done this sort of thing? Is there some sort of "bridge" interface software available that would make the task easier?

    Any advice gratefully received

    Thanks in advance,


    I have a product "NorCat" that completely builds an Actinic site from a Top 2 Toe EPOS system's data. There is no interaction with Actinic other than to import the csv file that NorCat creates and, of course, to download orders. NorCat also adds many features that Actinic lacks (like images for each colourway of a product, imgaes in checkout, and an auto generated matrix of colour / size buy buttons.

    All data is maintained in Top 2 Toe. See for info on the EPOS system and or for example sites using T2T and Actinic.

    Snowlines has the most comprehensive site so you'll see all the features possible there.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      Thanks for the information. I have just got off the phone to Top to Toe and they are going to send me some information on their products. I have a feeling that the cost of the solution my well be outside of the client's budget. Also from what the sales person was telling me, the system is geared towards clothing and footware and may be a little too indepth for their needs.

      It will be interesting to read their literature and hold on file for future use though.

      Thanks again,



        the cost of the solution my well be outside of the client's budget
        Make sure that T2T hear this. It may help them with their pricing strategy.

        If you come across an affordable EPOS system that you'd like to use then I'd be interested in porting my interface to it (as long as it was a popular one).

        NorCat is big (7000 lines of Delphi) but the EPOS Database interface is only a few pages of code.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          The client seems to be keen on SalesStream ( as an EPOS system and as far as I can see, it does everything that he needs. It weighs in around £3500 with the hardware/software needed. It looks like the system interfaces with Excel "easily" so I would imagine that extending that to interface with Actinic would not be too difficult.

          I would be interested to talk further about the possibility of you adapting your interface and costs involved. Please feel free to contact me off list if you are interested,

          Thanks again for the pointers.



            It looks good. A sensible price too. I've registered for a demo copy so I can see if it will be possible to interface with NorCat.

            Did you ask SalesStream if they've any existing customers who also have Actinic?

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              I haven't spoken to anyone at SalesStream yet but when I do I will let you know what they say.



                Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                It looks good. A sensible price too. I've registered for a demo copy so I can see if it will be possible to interface with NorCat.

                Did you ask SalesStream if they've any existing customers who also have Actinic?

                Hi Norman,

                I am using Salesstream and actinic and would love to intergate the two. Would save me hours of inputting the data manually onto actinic, if you can come up with a solution drop me a line email:




                  hi try contacting a company called B-I-T-S in Coventry on 02476835600 they might be able to help



                    I've now spoken to the extremely helpful John Sanderson at SalesStream and it certainly looks like SalesStream could contain ALL the information needed to completely drive Actinic.

                    They don't do a trial version (only downloads are documentation) so I'm currently considering whether there would be enough demand for me to buy a copy so I could rewrite the NorCat database interface to use SalesStream data.

                    If there are any other SalesStream users out there I'd like to know.

                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Originally posted by NormanRouxel

                      I've now spoken to the extremely helpful John Sanderson at SalesStream and it certainly looks like SalesStream could contain ALL the information needed to completely drive Actinic.

                      They don't do a trial version (only downloads are documentation) so I'm currently considering whether there would be enough demand for me to buy a copy so I could rewrite the NorCat database interface to use SalesStream data.

                      If there are any other SalesStream users out there I'd like to know.

                      You would think that if you're developing something that would be of benefit to them and potentially sell more of their product, that they would be happy to give you a copy, rather than have you buy one.

                      Don't they do dealer or developer copies? Most software companies do.


                        Don't they do dealer copies? Most software companies do.
                        Unfortunately not. They do offer a 30 day money-back and seem to want to stick to that as they feel that keeps out the tyre kickers.

                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

