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HELP - perl script problem upgraded v7.0.7

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    HELP - perl script problem upgraded v7.0.7

    Help please, have just downloaded upgrade patch from v7.0.2 to v7.0.7, refreshed website, when trying to download orders comes up with a fault message, server scripts are incompatable, server version is 7ELCA (version 7.0.2 I presume), client version is '7HCFA' (version 7.0.7 I presume), is persists copy perl scripts from the original subdirectory and try again.

    Now I presume this means upload the perl script via ftp to the site online, if it does, anyone any ideas where I put the script as I cannot find it on the remote side, if it means something else then please let me know what it means?

    It means copy the perl scripts from the "original" folder into your site directory and then upload.
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      Originally posted by guccij View Post
      It means copy the perl scripts from the "original" folder into your site directory and then upload.
      OK, I'm presuming you mean upload by ftp, but any idea where abouts in the site directory I put the file?


        Backup before anything else and I hope you made a snapshot of the site at v702 before you decided to upgrade.

        The 'original' scripts referred to are located in 'C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Original' with extensions .pm and .pl. The message refers to copying them into your current Site1 folder and then doing a ordinary upload of the site. Note that any script changes you may have made yourself will be lost when you do this though. You may also have to change the script ID and do a site purge and refresh. Note additionally that any hard coded links you have created in the design to use the cgi-bin will need to be modified to the new script ID you choose for this.

        What was it that prompted you to upgrade? Was it because you are now runnning Vista? Frankly if there was no other particular issue with the older v702 version then I would stick to that release and reload the earlier Actinic version and restore your latest snapshot.

        If it ain't broke don't fix it as the saying goes.


          What was it that prompted you to upgrade? Was it because you are now runnning Vista? Frankly if there was no other particular issue with the older v702 version then I would stick to that release and reload the earlier Actinic version and restore your latest snapshot.

          If it ain't broke don't fix it as the saying goes.[/QUOTE]

          The machine I am running actinic on has a problem and I think it's about to stop working, I am trying to get actinic to work on a newer machine that is running windows 7 before the other machine gives up the ghost, I have put V707 onto the windows seven machine and tried importing the snapshot, did'nt work, now I don't have any actinic working on either machine, I cannot find a link to download actinic v702 on the actinic website ( I know it's there I've seen it before) otherwise I could run actinic in the xp mode on windows 7


            You can download v702 from here:

            If you do try this in XP Mode in W7 I'd be interested in how it went if you could post some feedback afterwards.


              Originally posted by drounding View Post
              You can download v702 from here:

              If you do try this in XP Mode in W7 I'd be interested in how it went if you could post some feedback afterwards.
              Thanks for that, I'm in a big mess now with this, don't have actinic working on either machine, I'm going to try v702 on the xp mode, will try what you mentioned on the other machine when I've tried the xp mode, will let you know soon


                So your first machine's given up the ghost completely now? What sort of problem is it? If it's just a hard drive then you can still replace it and reload windows XP on it.

                I would expect a purge and refresh of the site with the new scripts in place and a new script ID should sort your new machine out though.


                  It would also be worthwile copying the complete Site1 directory from the old machine if you can in case there's some other info you might need.

                  Also make a note of the Encryption Key and Authorization Key in Housekeeping - Security if you can still open Actinic on the old machine.


                    You said you had the 707 upgrade patch it is always advisable to download the run version.

                    if this were me, i'd upgrade 702 to 707 - via full version - on the old machine then take the 707 to the W7 pc.


                      Originally posted by drounding View Post
                      It would also be worthwile copying the complete Site1 directory from the old machine if you can in case there's some other info you might need.

                      Also make a note of the Encryption Key and Authorization Key in Housekeeping - Security if you can still open Actinic on the old machine.
                      Thanks everyone for their help, what a nightmare, I thought this would be simple, after 12 hours I'm back where I started, I have actinic v702 working on my old machine that is about to pack up, I have actinic v702 sort of working on windows 7 xp mode but could'nt get the files uploaded as the server kept on dropping me, tried v702 to work on windows 7... no chance!

                      I still need to try and get actinic working on the new machine, I'm still confused about this perl script thing, there is only 1 file in the 'original' folder, it is called '', I cant see a file '.pm' with perlscript written on it anywhere, assuming that I try this again, exactly where in Site 1 do I put this file, also you say do an ordinary upload, does that mean a site refresh or something else?


                        Originally posted by drounding View Post
                        It would also be worthwile copying the complete Site1 directory from the old machine if you can in case there's some other info you might need.

                        Also make a note of the Encryption Key and Authorization Key in Housekeeping - Security if you can still open Actinic on the old machine.
                        Thanks everyone for their help, what a nightmare, I thought this would be simple, after 12 hours I'm back where I started, I have actinic v702 working on my old machine that is about to pack up, I have actinic v702 sort of working on windows 7 xp mode but could'nt get the files uploaded as the server kept on dropping me, tried v702 to work on windows 7... no chance!

                        I still need to try and get actinic working on the new machine, I'm still confused about this perl script thing, there is only 1 file in the 'original' folder, it is called '', I cant see a file '.pm' with perlscript written on it anywhere, assuming that I try this again, exactly where in Site 1 do I put this file, also you say do an ordinary upload, does that mean a site refresh or something else?


                          have you installed 707 on the w7/xp mode? the full pathname for the perl will be something like c:\program files\actinic v7\Original

                          if there are no pl files there, i'd suggest a reinstall - v7.0.7 HCFA UK - Full Version

                          you will be copying approx 33 files pl and pm files from c:\program files\actinic v7\Original to c:\my documents\myname\sites\site1 (or similar)

                          702 will not work on w7. 707 should - 707 isthe earliest version that is vista compatible, thus w7 compatible


                            The files you are looking for are the 'perl script' files. You're not just looking for two files called and As Jo says there should be 16 files with a .pl extension and 17 files with a .pm extension. If they're not there then there's something wrong with your installation.


                              Originally posted by drounding View Post
                              The files you are looking for are the 'perl script' files. You're not just looking for two files called and As Jo says there should be 16 files with a .pl extension and 17 files with a .pm extension. If they're not there then there's something wrong with your installation.
                              OK, to give you an update, I have now got v702 running on windows 7 xp mode, I could'nt upload before because the virtual machine (xp mode) was cutting off the internet connection after about 5 mins, I thought the server was dropping the connection, anyway this seems to have been sorted by setting the network connection to bridge, actinic is now uploading files and downloading orders on the xp mode ok, there is a kind of fault in actinic where everytime the page preview refreshes it comes up with an error (this happened on the old machine as well), the message reads 'A run time error has occured. Do you wish to debug? Line:54 Error: Object Expected', any clues how to stop this annoying thing happeniing?

                              I would like to try and get actinic working on windows 7 properly, so when I get the chance I will do a clean install of v707, import a snapshot to it from v702 but hey I'm still confused about these script files, from what has been said I understand that I copy all the stuff in the original folder and insert it in the 'Site 1' folder, is this correct, also there is a 'common' sub folder in the original folder does this go into the site 1 folder as well... thanks in advance for any help provided

