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Catalog background

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    Catalog background

    I'm trying to insert a background image for the panel that displays sections/products when using the BestSeller Theme so that it appears on all pages on the site.

    Actinic Version: 7.0.7
    Default Overall Layout Template: Act_Primary.html

    The Adv Usr Guide (page 20, 21) indicates to edit Actinic.css removing the NETQUOTEVAR variable and inserting background-image:url(Background.jpg).


    Then edit Act_Primary.html removing the NETQUOTEVAR:BGIMAGE NETQUOTEVAR:BGCOLOR values.

    I moved these values on to a new line at the very end of the file as per the guide and commented them out <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:BGIMAGE NETQUOTEVAR:BGCOLOR --> so that Actinic doesn't complain about them missing.

    I saved both files and added the background.jpg file as an additional file (Advanced > Additional Files) and also copied it to the Site1 folder but preview does not show the background.

    Design>Options still shows Background1.gif but by removing the above lines of code from the stylesheet and the template it should ignore anything that is entered in this section surely?

    I've attached the two files I have edited but had to change the file type from *.css and *.html to *.txt so that they are valid file types for this forum.

    I can't give you a url to the site as it's not live yet hence including the files.
    Attached Files

    I've checked the html page created by preview. I've done a search for the file background.jpg in the code and can't find a refence to it anywhere let alone between the <body> </body> tags.

    I guess that explains why it isn't shown but now the problem is why the code isn't included when Actinic builds the html files?


      I've even tried saving the background.jpg as background.gif just incase Actinic was funny about using jpg files.

      Obviously I edited Actinic.css to change the file type and added it to the additional files list as before but still no background image!


        Well thanks to a comment found by leehack in this thread ( making sure the file listed in the actinic.css file is in quotes e.g. background: url('background.gif');

        Amazing what a set of quotes do!

        Unfortunately the image does not confine itself to the area I wished it to! Wrong template I guess. Any ideas which template? I'm looking at Act_CatalogBody.html and Act_ProductBody.html and haven't found any obvious looking reference.


          Confining on bg images is usually done with the repeat rules, have you set any?


            Originally posted by leehack View Post
            Confining on bg images is usually done with the repeat rules, have you set any?
            Sorry Lee no I haven't mainly because I don't understand what repeat rules are. Is it possible you could explain, briefly?


              There are 3 main rules:

              no-repeat = only show the image once
              repeat-x = repeat the image across the x-axis (across only)
              repeat-y = repeat the image down the y-axis (down only)

              a typical class would read as:

              background: #ccc url("blah.jpg") repeat-x;

              if i wanted the image to only repeat across, not down etc.

              As you haven't set a rule, i suspect the image you want to use is tiling (repeating in other words) both down and across the site.

              In addition to the repeat rules you can also do positioning, if you have a set image and you want to use it in a certain position on page. By default bg images always start top left of the container on which it is set, unless you tell it otherwise.


                Thanks Lee. I get that.

                I am learning slowly using sites such as and I often create test pages within dreamweaver just to see what the code should look like after I've dropped an image into a table etc and before I go editing/creating new templates.

