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Cart bounces to top of last viewed page

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    Cart bounces to top of last viewed page

    This problem has been submitted a couple of time as far as I can see but the threads petered out before any solution was reached.

    Problem is, after adding an item to the cart the bounce returns to the top of the last viewed page and not the product just added.

    I have been making some site-wide changes, namely Norman's Cascading Menu and Upsell. But both of these work correctly in all browsers.

    I have checked the source code and the product anchors are still in place.

    I am a little stumped with this, so if anyone can shed some light or offer any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.


    That might well be as it is setup and nothing is wrong, i'm not sure off the top of my head. Few people will experience this though as SPP is widely adopted across many stores, so bouncing back to the page will always take you back to the product (the only one) on that page. Are you saying it never used to do this and something has changed?


      You know what, I know this sounds crazy, but I never noticed what it did before!!
      I've just looked at the case studies at the Actinic website and it appears that this is normal.
      It would be interesting to find a way to return the visitor to the exact product he or she was looking at though. I will think on it some more and if I find an answer I'll post it here.
      Thanks for your input.


        It makes sense to bounce back to the specific product especially if the item just added to the basket has a related product and the customer wishes to purchase this also. Bouncing back to the specific products means he/she doesn't have to trawl down the list of products again to find the related product.


          Totally agree Mark, but that doesn't make as much sense as adopting SPP setup, so why not adopt that setup, kill 2 birds with one stone and have a win win setup?

