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Additional info disappearing

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    Additional info disappearing


    When a visitor adds an item to their basket they are also asked for additional information, i.e. date and message however if they continue shopping this information is lost and they have to input it in again, can anyone tell me why?

    Many thanx


    No. Please post a URL so we can see what's happening ourselves.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      url is

      many thanx



        You've patched the Perl scripts to allow a textarea instead of the normal single line Other Info prompt. There are differences in how this should be done depending on whether you're on V6.1.3 or lower.

        The knowledge base and this Forum have some info on this - try searching for 6.1.3 AND textarea.

        Which version are you using?

        What patches did you make? It would help if you post the instructions you used here, along with your Actinic version number.

        The Date Prompt is working OK.



        The data IS going into the Other Info textarea but is not being re-displayed on an Update. If you Add something, enter a message, and immediately go to Checkout Now then it works OK. If you Update it disappears.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Hi Norman,

          If memory servers I copied and pasted some info from the knowledge base as it seemed easier than what was printed in the user guide.

          What patches did you make? It would help if you post the instructions you used here, along with your Actinic version number.

          To add the aditional info I followed the directions kindly supplied by yourself and then the dedails from knowledge base which are as follows, my developer version is 6.1.3

          There are two places where the 'Other Info' text box size is defined.

          The first change is in Design | Text. Use the 'Go to' button to select Phase -1, ID 2161. The default text is…

          %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d">

          Replace 'SIZE="%d" with "SIZE="20" to make the size of the box 20 characters.

          Replace MAXLENGTH="%d" with MAXLENGTH="1000" to make the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the box 1000. IMPORTANT, this field must not be left as %d or it will take the standard box size as the maximum number of characters. Also do not set the value greater than 1000 or you will have problems when the order is downloaded and the data is too large for the database.

          The second change is in a script file.

          - Locate the file in the site folder.
          - Edit the file using a text editor such as Notepad.
          - Search for 'sub InfoHTMLGenerate'. About 25 lines after this you should see…

          $sHTML = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=\"35\" NAME=\"O_$nIndex\" VALUE=\"$sValue\" $sStyle>";

          - Replace 35 with the required size in characters.
          - Save and Exit.
          - Update the site.

          Actinic is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made. If you find that there is a problem, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation. Copy this into your site folder.

          Thank you again for your assistance

          Kind Regards



            That's for pre 6.1.3. It also looks like you're mixing two patches up. Some of the above is not about changing the prompt to a textarea.

            The fix for 6.1.3 onwards is:
            1. Go to 'Design | Text'
            2. Click 'Go To' and in the ID field enter '2161'.
            3. It should highlight a line that says find a line that says:
            %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>
            4. Change the prompt to read:
            %s<textarea NAME="%s" ROWS="5" COLS="40" %d MAXLENGTH="%d">%s</textarea>
            5. Click 'OK' to save your changes.
            6. Now go into your 'Site1' folder and locate a file called ''. Open it in Notepad.
            7. Search for '2161', you should see...
            $sHTML = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2161, "", $sIndex, 35, 1000, $sValue, $sStyle);
            8. Comment out this line by preceding it with a #.
            9. Insert the following immediately after the above line...
            $sHTML = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2161);
            $sHTML =~ s/%d/%s/;
            $sHTML =~ s/>MyText/>/i;
            $sHTML = sprintf( $sHTML, "", $sIndex, $sStyle, 1000, $sValue);
            10. Save the file and then upload your Actinic store.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Hi Norman,

              I’m not sure quite what I’ve done but it works, I followed your instructions, then followed Chris’s then followed yours again and the last time round it worked although it didn’t the first, think the logical conclusion is I must have messed it up the first time round althogh Im to chicken to see if changing anything messes it up again

              As always my sincere gratitude for your help

              Kind Regards



                That 6.1.3 patch was Actinic's one. However there seems to be a bug in it. If you enter some new lines into that textarea spurious <BR> line appear in the Cart pages.

                I think I've fixed it - the new patch is here:-

                The updated fix for 6.1.3 onwards is:
                1. Go to 'Design | Text'
                2. Click 'Go To' and in the ID field enter '2161'.
                3. It should highlight a line that says find a line that says:
                %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="%d" MAXLENGTH="%d" VALUE="%s" %s>
                4. Change the prompt to read:
                %s<textarea NAME="%s" ROWS="5" COLS="40" %d MAXLENGTH="%d">%s</textarea>
                5. Click 'OK' to save your changes.
                6. Now go into your 'Site1' folder and locate a file called ''. Open it in Notepad.
                7. Search for '2161', you should see...
                $sHTML = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2161, "", $sIndex, 35, 1000, $sValue, $sStyle);
                8. Comment out this line by preceding it with a #.
                9. Insert the following immediately after the above line...
                $sHTML = ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 2161);
                $sHTML =~ s/%d/%s/;
                $sValue =~ s/%0a//ig;  # we seem to need to remove some Line Feeds here
                $sHTML = sprintf( $sHTML, "", $sIndex, $sStyle, 1000, $sValue);
                10. Save the file and then upload your Actinic store.
                If you've installed the prior version then you don't need to redo the whole thing. Just edit and replace the line

                $sHTML =~ s/>MyText/>/i;


                $sValue =~ s/%0a//ig; # we seem to need to remove some Line Feeds here

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  many thanx again for your help.

                  Kind Regards



                    I have followed the above instructions and everything seemed to work fine. Until I clicked on the update button in the cart. I have four items in the extra info box, each separated by a carriage return. Each time that I click on the update button, an extra carriage return is put between each item.
                    For example:
                    01234 654788
                    M635Csi 1988
                    Is how it should appear, and it does the first time.
                    01234 654788
                    <BR>M635Csi 1988
                    Is what appears after the first update
                    01234 654788
                    <BR><BR>M635Csi 1988
                    after the second and so on. Any ideas?



                      What version of Actinic are you using? These patches are different for 6.1.2 (and lower) and 6.1.3 (and greater).

                      Also I think they're now in the Advanced Guide. Get the latest copy from and search for textarea.

                      Also can you post an URL?

                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        I am using 6.1.3 and installed the code for that.
                        URL is
                        Click on the membership form to see what I mean. place an order and go to the checkout. Click the update button a few times.
                        System is live but no public access as yet.
                        I have downloaded the patch for 6.14, but as I am in the north and the office is in the south, I have yet to install it. Must check if it needs installing at both ends.


                          Yes. I see all those <BR>'s appearing. It looks just like you missed something out when making these patches. I'd start again using the original perl files. Also note that if you upgrade Actinic then any patches to the Perl scripts get overwritten with the new, clean, versions.

                          However I see that you're trying to capture several distinct lines of data. I have a much better patch that does this. See for Multiple Other Info Prompts.

                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            You were correct. Carefull checking revealed that I had done a patch with bits of both patches in it - amazed that it worked at all.
                            I like your multi line patch but will wait until I've sorted out the 6.1.4 update. Save me editing it twice.
                            Many thanks.


                              multiple other info patch

                              Hi Norman,

                              Im trying to find a patch to fix the multiple other info promt not displaying on view cart page.

                              All i can find is either the patch for the single other info........the link in this thread is dead for the multiple other info patch..........any help would be great.

                              if you need to view the test site im working on this is the link


                              just keep pressing add to sign til you get to checkout....then press view cart.

                              thanks in advance

