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uploading problem

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    uploading problem


    a client of mine is trying to upload actinic but encounters a problem when the files are merging: an error occurred while renaming fulltext.fil to oldtext.fil

    the client is using the same version of actinic on the same pc and the host server reports no error logs when the problem happens

    i've tried (as suggested in a v5 thread) deleting all .fil files on both Site 1 and remote server then reloading but to no effect

    any ideas?

    thanks in advance


    Hi there

    My advise would be to check your permission settings on your /acatalog/ folder on your website

    The permission have to be set to 777.
    If the permission for the .fil files are not set to 777, then you will get a merge error.

    You will need to contact your webhosting company if you do not have an external ftp program, or are running on Windows server.

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      i'm afraid that didn't work - same error message

      as the new upload happens, actinic appears to rewrite some of the permissions back to 666


        When you click 'Test' in 'Advanced | Network Setup' what happens? Do you get any error messages?

        Also, could you please check for me that the permissions on the .pl files in the cgi-bin are set to '755' (the *.pm files can be 644 and still work OK).


          yes, you get this error message:

          "the website directory is not writable.
          unable to create a file in the web page directory

          permission denied.

          catalog is unable to create a subdirectory in the web siute directory"

          followed by:

          "the network settings test was successful. if the email you specified was correct, you should receive a confirmation shortly"

          right now, there aren'r any .pl files on the site, presumably as a result of doing a complete refresh where the original problem occurred

          perhaps i ought to point out that this site has worked fine for a couple of years on this server previous to all this happening


            It looks like permissions of the FTP user have been changed on your web server. If Actinic is saying that Actinic cannot create an 'acatalog' folder, it could be that Actinic is also not allowed to merge files on the web server.

            You may want to check with your web-host. Nine times out of ten when a problem suddenly starts happening, it is because something has been reset/cheanged by your web host.

            right now, there aren'r any .pl files on the site, presumably as a result of doing a complete refresh where the original problem occurred
            I guess you know that nothing is going to happen on the site without any Perl in the cgi-bin. It is the Perl that controls the merge.


              finally sorted now - the server changed a couple of permissions somewhere up the food chain and it now works

              many thanks

