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extracting information for labels

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    extracting information for labels

    I have a label printer and need a quick way of extracting the addresses of selected orders (or orders between certain times).

    Is there a way to extract this info to a comma delimited file?

    Do I need crystal to do this?

    Your can export orders to a separate file set (uncheck hide files dialog) or use Excel query or Access to get at them.
    Bob Ladden


      We can help you out there:

      1) Use our free export addresses solution (or the white paper from Actinic) to export address details. See for details of how to get to the free software library.

      2) Use our mailing list export program to export them and import them into word for mail merge. See for more details and a free trial.

      3) Use our integrated label solutions to include a removable sticky label on the invoice, packing list or data entry report. See for mroe details.

      4) Use our mailing label solutions to print labels from Actinic or our own products. See for more details.

      If all of that is of no use then you can export data directly from the persons table into whatever it is you need to print labels from OR you can use the standard Actinic export orders function and take the data from the persons.txt file.

      If you want to write your own label report using crystal (which is not an easy task) you need to buy crystal version 8.5 - standard edition.

      Don't forget that if you do decide to use one of our products you can get a £15 discount this month (ie. until Sunday) if you are on our mailing list. So for example you could buy the email marketing tool for £35.

      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
      Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

      Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
      A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
      Product Mash for Sellerdeck
      Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
      Multichannel order processing
      Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


        How many of those options let me export the order number with the name & address...? (it will save me a lot of time in other areas if the order number is displayed on the address label)


          I got a bit over enthusiastic there and missed the bit about your label printer. The best way to do this is to have (or to write using crystal reports v8.5) a label report written that prints directly to your label printer. If you don't want to do that try option 1) or 2).

          Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
          Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

          Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
          A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
          Product Mash for Sellerdeck
          Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
          Multichannel order processing
          Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


            It seems to be my day for missing things - in answer to your actual question, which one of those will let you display the order number as well, neither will.

            The best way to do this is to use a custom report to print the label - it streamlines the order processing nicely.

            However if you don't want to do this you could write a query to move data from the person table and order table into another table.

            First run this SQL to create a table

            SELECT Order.[Order Number], Person.Name, Person.Salutation, Person.Title, Person.Company, Person.[Address Line 1], Person.[Address Line 2], Person.[Address Line 3], Person.[Address Line 4], Person.[Postal Code], Person.[Phone Number], Person.[FAX Number], Person.[Web Site], Person.sUserDefined, Person.bKeepContactPrivate, Order.nInvoiceStatus INTO OrderAddresses
            FROM [Order] INNER JOIN Person ON Order.DeliverContactID = Person.ContactID
            WHERE (((Order.nInvoiceStatus)=0));

            Then run this SQL each time you want to update your table:

            INSERT INTO OrderAddresses ( [Order Number], Name, Salutation, Title, Company, [Address Line 1], [Address Line 2], [Address Line 3], [Address Line 4], [Postal Code], [Phone Number], [FAX Number], [Web Site], sUserDefined, bKeepContactPrivate, nInvoiceStatus )
            SELECT Order.[Order Number], Person.Name, Person.Salutation, Person.Title, Person.Company, Person.[Address Line 1], Person.[Address Line 2], Person.[Address Line 3], Person.[Address Line 4], Person.[Postal Code], Person.[Phone Number], Person.[FAX Number], Person.[Web Site], Person.sUserDefined, Person.bKeepContactPrivate, Order.nInvoiceStatus
            FROM [Order] INNER JOIN Person ON Order.DeliverContactID = Person.ContactID
            WHERE (((Order.nInvoiceStatus)=0));

            This will put a copy of the data into a table called OrderAddresses for all orders that have not had their invoices printed yet. So you would run this, then print the invoices to stop them getting put into the table repeatedly.

            Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
            Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

            Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
            A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
            Product Mash for Sellerdeck
            Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
            Multichannel order processing
            Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


              Even I'm confused now Jan!

              I have a Dymo Label printer and I actually use the copy of order confirmation email to get the customers postal address.

              You can configure Actinic to send you a copy of each order under View : Business Settings : Ordering and put you own email address in the "Send receipt email copies to" box.

              I then have a rule in outlook to move these email into their own folder.

              The only downside to this is that if the customer USES ALL CAPITALS or mIXES CaSe then that’s how it appears on the label.

              If you look at Jan's site she does have a utility/info on using Postcode Anywhere which allows users to pick the address from a list - which is formatted correctly. Each looked up address only cost 1p.


                This will put a copy of the data into a table called OrderAddresses for all orders that have not had their invoices printed yet. So you would run this, then print the invoices to stop them getting put into the table repeatedly.
                ah, but I'm using your automation software that automatically prints the invoices (and I want it to do that, saves lots of time)...

                The best way to do this is to use a custom report to print the label - it streamlines the order processing nicely.
                do I need crystal for this?


                  You would need chrystal for this, but I believe that Jan would create a report for you - for a small fee.


                    Gary is right.

                    Sorry to have confused people - I'm trying to fix a horribly complicated bug (John, you reported it actually) and my confused state seems to be spilling out into my comments on here.

                    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                    Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

                    Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
                    A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
                    Product Mash for Sellerdeck
                    Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
                    Multichannel order processing
                    Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                      I have a Dymo Label printer and I actually use the copy of order confirmation email to get the customers postal address.
                      This is how I do it, but it has 2 problems -

                      1) As you pointed out, the text isn't formatted (which is more annoying now jans utils has formatted it correctly in actinic)

                      2) This is time consuming, to have to open each e-mail and cut and paste into the label program (unless you found a quicker way of doing it?)


                        I'm trying to fix a horribly complicated bug (John, you reported it actually)
                        which one?


                          1... Yep I'd agree.

                          2... It's not as time consuming as finding the order in Actinic and copying one line of the address at a time.

                          2b... I also copy the customers email address, as we now email them a Royal Mail tracking number.

                          I've looked at automating, this but not all of my orders are postal, so I would be wasting labels.


                            The PSP pending problem - and it is working now as well - woo hoo (in the stock control mole - just the batch order processors to sort out now and it can go for alpha testing).

                            The other 'bugs' are on the wish list and will arrive shortly after Christmas if all goes well.

                            With regard to your mailing label, you could get 1 Stop Automation to print those out as well by installing them in place of the packing list or data entry report. That is the lovely thing about a label printer you can just print labels one at a time (same applies to integrated label reports) which makes life so easy.

                            Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                            Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

                            Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
                            A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
                            Product Mash for Sellerdeck
                            Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
                            Multichannel order processing
                            Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                              Jan thant reminds me..... Is it possible for the One Stop Automation to actully print the PSPpenind orders too......

