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Section list layout

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    Section list layout

    I am trying to line up my section images and titles so they are all centred above each and the last items are all over the place.

    I have got 4 items in a row and have 10 sections, so the first 2 rows all line up centred above each other but the last row where you only have 2 items left the first item lines up on the left and the final one somewhere between the 3rd and 4th item in the row above. I have tried changing the code in the /design/text/html box and have entered 'align="center" in various places with no success. Even if I line them all up on the left the same thing happens.
    Any ideas?
    many thanks Deborah

    In 'Design | Text | Website | HTML', add border="1" into the <table> code in row 9. Otherwise it is really hard to see what is happening (and so really hard to fix it).

    Try removing the align="center" from the <TD WIDTH="%d%%"> line. I don't think that's necessary.


      section layouts

      Thanks for that. I had to forget trying to center the titles under the images and range them all left in the cells so they all line up vertically. Great idea about putting the table border in, that really made it clear what was happening.
      Thanks again

