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Catalog Setting still get unselected

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    Catalog Setting still get unselected

    I posted this similar problem before, then I reinstalled the program and started the site all over again and the problems largely resolved themselves except I still have an annoying one.

    In the online catalog if I tick the box "Include as selectable section on search page" and then I re-import the flat file and update the site the Section headers remain selected. However, the sub categories all lose their selected status. With a few dozen sub categories of course it can become quite annoying because you have to expand the tree and reselct them every time.

    Is this the way it is supposed to work or is it perhaps I don't have something correct in the settings?
    Regards, Tom

    Hi there.

    Does your flat file have a "Section included in search" column? If not, please try adding one. If you want a section to be included in a search, enter a 1 under the "Section included in search" field, if you do not want it to appear, enter a 0.

    Take a look at the flat file example SampleFlatImportFileRefs.csv in your site folder, it may help.

    I hope this helps.



      Thanks Darren:

      The documentation says that the default is "Yes" so I assumed that as I want everything selected there was no point to adding this column. But I'll give it a try and see if that helps.
      Regards, Tom


        Yes indeed that does seem to work. What a relief! I'm so appreciative I just bought you a beer, guess I'll also have to drink it by proxy though.

        Thanks Darren.
        Regards, Tom


          Interesting now I'm dealing with the complete opposite problem it seems. Now I've got them all selected, I've got 2 sections that have tons of subsections and I want to deselect the subsections for those 2. I've gone into the CSV file and changed the "Section Included in Search" value to 0 and also -1 for all the products in those 2 sections, but to no avail. After I reimport the flat file all the sub sections are still selected. It does not seem to recognize the fact I have changed the value in there.
          Regards, Tom


            Section Included in Search" value to 0
            Hmm, that should do it, I have tried with the example csv, and set one of my sub sections to 0 in the csv, and it was correctly not selected with version 6.1.3 of Actinic.

            Any chance you could include you csv with your next post? Could you also include your version number on your next post; please go to Help | About to get this information.

            Thanks in advance.



