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Correlate line numbers in error log

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    Correlate line numbers in error log

    When doing a flat-file import the error log gives the line number where it encountered the error.

    When I look for the source of the error in my source spreadsheet the line number is obviously not that of the spreadsheet. Sp that's left me wondering, how would I be able to actually view the line that is noted in the error log so I can track it back to the spreadsheet.
    Regards, Tom

    It's the line number in the CSV file itself that you should first look at using a text editor.

    Make sure you turn "Wrap long Lines" (or whatever setting your editor uses) off as this may give erronous line counts.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Do you have commas , in the import file as this can cause problems with csv files
      Owner of a broken heart


        Gary, yes, the long description field has commas in the descriptions themselves. If I look at the desciption in the cart I don't recall seeing anything amiss.

        Norman, that's the strange part. The error message:
        Line 5158: Incompatible information in field 3 ("PRICE"). Expected number between -2147483648 and 2147483647, but got "#VALUE!".

        Actually refers to line 5112 in the CSV file.

        Thanks both.
        Regards, Tom


          Use a text editor and look in your csv import source file for the string #VALUE

          It looks like one of your fields in the spreadsheet is wrong as that's what Excel puts in a cell with an illegal value (or sometimes if the field is too small to display that number).

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Sorry Norman,

            I didn't explain it very well. I did find that line in the CSV file where Excel had placed the error string "#value". It is line 5112. The error log reports that it is line 5158, so the 2 do not correlate. That example of course is easy to find because I knew I had to look for the error string "#value". But some of the other errors are not as easy and therefore I need to figure out another way to find the line that the errror log is referring to.
            Regards, Tom


              Can we please see the import file and the error file?


                I tried to attach the zip file but at 128KB it got rejected, I'll try to pare it down by editing it (but that might render it useless) and send it when I get a chance, thanks.
                Regards, Tom


                  Or send it directly to me at communityadmin [@]

                  There is a known problem with this, as it turns out. The error log file refers to the import file lines as if they are being viewed by a text editor rather than an Excel spreadsheet program.

                  Do you have Dreamweaver? That will show you the line numbers correctly if you open the import file for checking. There are probably some text editors that do line numbers.

