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Client cant download orders

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    Client cant download orders

    I have recently fixed a problem with perl script version (you know the one that fills up the error log) by replacing all the perl files in the site directory with all those from original directory. Worked great apart from the fact that the client can no longer download orders. I, however had no problem.

    Does he have to do the same thing to his machine ?
    He's a total non-techy so I'm reluctant to get him to start deleting and copying files.

    Any help appreciated.

    heres the error he gets anyway.

    "The web server returned an unknown response.

    Possible Cause:
    You are attempting to download orders
    before uploading to the web site
    Incorrect CGI-BIN URL in the web site details
    Incorrect permissions on the CGI script on
    the server (UNIX servers only)
    Script corruption - Could be caused by:
    Binary ftp transfer during manual installation
    Incomplete transfer
    Garbled transfer
    Old or bad version of Perl running on server
    Http server error
    Wrong Path to Perl specified in the
    web site details
    Check cgi-bin script permissions
    Compare cgi-bin script against local script to
    check for corruption
    Upgrade Perl on server (needs at least 5.002)
    Run the Web | Configure Web Site Details command to verify your setup
    Re-install the web site
    Review server response for hints

    The response was:
    <TITLE>CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted</TITLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">
    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#6666CC" ALIGN=CENTER><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="+1" FACE="Helvetica, Arial"><B>CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted</B></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><P>Execution of (/home/sites/site23/web/cgi-bin/ is not permitted
    for the following reason:

    <P><DL><DT>Script file not found.</DL>
    <DT><B>Local Information and Documentation:</B>
    <DD><B>Contact Name</B>: Administrator
    <DD><B>Contact EMail</B>: <A HREF="mailto:admin">admin</A>
    <DT><B>Server Data:</B>
    <DD><B>Server Administrator/Contact</B>: admin
    <DD><B>Server Port</B>: 80
    <DD><B>Server Protocol</B>: HTTP/1.1
    <DT><B>Request Data:</B>
    <DD><B>User Agent/Browser</B>: Catalog
    <DD><B>Request Method</B>: POST
    <DD><B>Remote Host</B>:
    <DD><B>Remote Address</B>:
    <DD><B>Remote Port</B>: 1543
    <DD><B>Extra Path Info</B>: /cgi-bin/

    <A HREF="javascript: history.back();" onMouseOver="status='Back'; return true;"><IMG SRC="/.cobalt/images/back_but.gif" WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="20" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0"></A>
    </BODY></HTML> "
    SSL Linux Actinic Hosting

    At a very quick glance the lines

    Execution of (/home/sites/site23/web/cgi-bin/ is not permitted
    for the following reason:

    <P><DL><DT>Script file not found.</DL>
    Appear to be saying that the file isn't in your cgi-bin.

    This file is created from in your Site1 folder.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      to get round non-teccy clients we use VNC to log into their machines and do the work ourselves....much quicker in the long run.

      Personally I think you will have to replace the perl scripts on the client machine, since the error message says he has to do an upload before he can do a download


        VNC a bit painful

        The vnc option through their modem is a painful experience so I'm trying to avoid that.

        So are we agreed that the only option is for them to copy the perl from the original folder into the site1 folder ?
        SSL Linux Actinic Hosting


          I reckon so


            mmm, no success

            Ok. they tried that - no change.

            Can I send them a snapshot that will not overwrite their orders?
            SSL Linux Actinic Hosting


              Can I send them a snapshot that will not overwrite their orders?
              You can in v6 but not in v5.

              In v5 they would need to backup their 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' file somewhere safe first.

              Then, import a snapshot from you.

              Then copy their 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' file back into their 'Site1' folder.

              A little technical, but it would work.


                I havent yet sent them the snapshot as I noticed the script numbers were different. 100 on my machine and 1 on the clients. I have rectified this and refreshed from my end . They now receive the following error.

                Possible Cause:
                The username and password stored in the
                Housekeeping | Security dialog do not match
                those on the web site.
                Refresh the web site

                Command: search Filename: .ord

                I have checked the security settings and everything seems to match. Any ideas?
                SSL Linux Actinic Hosting


                  Never seen that one before. I suggest you copy and paste all your settings from Housekeeping | Security into a Word doc and get them to paste them into their software - just to make sure.


                    Ok, done that, same error. What do I do next.

                    I'm running out of ideas.
                    SSL Linux Actinic Hosting


                      Have you tried copying all your amended Perl files into your client's installation?

                      If that doesn't work, I suggest you do what I suggested in my earlier post (copying the database out, importing the snapshot, copying the database back in). Then refresh from the client's machine and place a test order.

                      If it works, then take a snapshot from your client's machine onto your machine.

