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Actinic Stuck up or what

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    Actinic Stuck up or what

    Two months ago we decided to purchase our own SSL certificate. At the time we received the renewal form for our shared SSL, which we obviously didnt renew.

    We experienced problems with our own SSL and Actinic support (We pay for cover) were unable to shed any light on the issue. Therefore we had to revert to shared SSL whilst we awaited a fix.

    Much to our delight, Actininc cancelled our shared SSL this morning, we have received no orders since. Actininc obviously dont have a system in place to check if the shared SSL is actually being used before turning it off. We cant moan as we actually didnt renew it.

    I spoke to Andy Porter and asked if he could just turn it on again for a few hours whilst we refresh our site (It takes 3-4 hours) so we can revert to a rather imperfect certificate.

    Seems Actinic cant be that flexible on a Friday, no you have to pay for 12 months. Perhaps if your support had managed to fix our problems in the first place we would have this problem now.

    Well guess what, I am now looking for some new software.
    Alan Stanley

    Come of it.

    You know you should have paid for the shared SSL when you reverted back to it, rather than waiting in the hope it didn't get cancelled, so you can't really blame actinic.

    As for looking for new software, most of us here use Actinic because of how good it is. Switching to something else is just digging yourself into a hole of your own making.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


