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Quotations for customers

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    Quotations for customers

    I would like to enable customers to send me an e-mail asking for a quotation for products and delivery. Is it possible to then post this quotation onto the catalogue so that they can then select this as any other product. I would also like to hide this quotation from other customers. What's the best way to achieve this ?

    I look forward to your replies.

    Thank You


    You can do this with Actinic Business.

    Create a price schedule in 'View | Price Schedule' for that customer. You don't have to give any discount. Then create a customer account for your customer who is requesting a quote.

    Then create the product that the customer has requested a quote for, and in the 'Prices' tab you only select 'Product Visible' for the price schedule that the customer is joined to.

    Then the customer can log in with the username and password you give them, and they will see the product created just for them.

