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Cannot enter card details

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    Cannot enter card details

    I have recently added Nochex as a payment option to my website

    Having conigures Actinic by putting in my merchant ID and adding 1 to the incremental OCC whatsit, i have completely refreshed the website.

    The problem is that when a custoner selects Nochex as a payment option they get bounced to a page that reads

    " The website declined to show this webpage
    HTTP 403
    Most likely causes:
    •This website requires you to log in.

    What you can try:
    Go back to the previous page. "

    Having been in contact with Nochex support they told me that i needed to change to in the payment OCC's
    Which I have done but to the same effect.

    A secondary frustration is that I am working away all week and their support is not open at the weekends.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    There are a number of quite recent forum posts regarding this change. If you have amended the relevant files correctly and it still doesn't work then try a purge and refresh of the site.


      I have changed the two url's in OCCUpgrade to

      Added one to the number and refreshed the website.

      I now get to a different page as shown.

      •Sign Up
      •Account Login
      •Send Money
      •Help Centre
      •Accepting Online Payments
      •Merchant Account
      •Seller Account
      •Personal Account
      •Contact Us
      Home : page not found
      Sorry, this page could not be found!
      We have recently launched our new website, and as a result there may be certain pages that may have moved or do not exist anymore.

      We are sorry if these changes have caused you an inconvenience. Please visit our homepage or alternatively, please use our sitemap to find what you are looking for.

      The Nochex Web Team

      •Shopper Support
      •About Us
      •Terms & Conditions
      •Acceptable Use
      Copyright © 2006 Nochex - All rights reserved.

      Nochex Ltd is certified as a Small Electronic Money Issuer by the Financial Services Authority and regulated as a Money Service Business by HM Revenue and Customs.

      Have I missed something? What else do i need to do?




        Do what did you do different the second time around and you got different results?
        Also did you try the purge and refresh?


          Nochex - Payment Page URL

          Dear Darren,

          I believe you are recieveing an error page because you are trying to use our old checkout page ( - Instead please redirect to without the checkout extension and this should resolve your issue.

          An example of a link the format would be:


          I hope this will help you,

          Many thanks

          Nochex Ltd

          [QUOTE=DarrenH;302647]I have changed the two url's in OCCUpgrade to

          Added one to the number and refreshed the website.

          I now get to a different page as shown.


            you must change the upgrade occ file 1st, then start actinic then change the occ payment file then do the upload. if you do it the way you described actinic will ovewrite your changes in the occ payment file with the default.


              Nochex 403 error....HELP PLEASE

              Hi all,

              Looks like I'm not the only one suffering here...I've looked at the thread and don't understand what changes I need to make and where?

              My site is and in my shopping basket code I have the following which looks ok to me and it's always worked before? Now I'm getting the 403 error when you click to make a payment and go to Nochex

              Any help would be really appreciated?



              <form action="" method="post" name="paymentForm" onsubmit="return checkboxvalidation();">


              $amountQry2=mysql_query("select * from admin_amount where amount_id=1");
              <input type="hidden" name="merchant_id" value="mymerchantIDemailhere" />
              <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?=$amount2['amount'];?>" />
              <input type="hidden" name="description" value="Online Order" />
              <input type="hidden" name="fore_colour" value="#333333" />
              <input type="hidden" name="font_name" value="Arial" />
              <input type="hidden" name="back_colour" value="#9DB0FF" />
              <input type="hidden" name="continue_button_image" value="" />
              <input type="hidden" name="makepayment_button_image" value="" />
              <input type="hidden" name="cancel_button_image" value=""/>

